Monday, October 26, 2009

Things are plenty slow...

We are having some slow days around here. Mostly Landon just wants to go out back and play in the big pile of shale on the ball diamond - so we do that every day or so. Or go to the park, that's always fun.
Today has been really slow though, as Landon has a cold that is keeping him to a more normal level of activity! He has mostly been laying on the couch watching tv, although he did help me mop the floor, and we spent some time at a friend's house (she had an Usborne Books open house, so we ordered some). I must admit, I'm looking forward to the boys' bedtimes though!! lol

We decorated for Hallowe'en yesterday -- there's not much to it really, a few things up on the doors, our t-shirt ghosts in the tree out front. Landon loved the window clingies the most -- they're all piled on top of each other on the living room window, really high so Arlan can't reach them.

Well, I hear Landon crying, Arlan must be paying him back for something. Better run, until next time...

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