Friday, October 09, 2009

Another new tooth!

Arlan is continuing on his tooth-popping expedition, with another molar. The top left this time :-) He seldom lets us anywhere near his mouth, but I managed to feel it in there yesterday!! Could explain why he's been crying out in the night, maybe. He likes to cry out, but we try not to go in there too much. Usually a soother plug and he's back to sleep, but it'd be nice if he'd just quit throwing the soother out of the crib -then he could find it and plug it back in himself!! LOL But he doesn't sleep with a night-light, so it's very dark in there at night - no wonder he can't find his soother.

We've been having fun with swim lessons. Arlan goes Thursday morning, Landon on Friday. Because John hasn't been working Fridays, we all go swimming together, and that is a really nice time. Landon is doing SO well ... he can 'swim' with a life-jacket on, loves going down the slide, can almost relax enough to do a back float. He loves loves loves to swim, and I love watching him. He's splashing along, swallowing water and the whole 9-yards, and is completely happy. Next summer will be even better at the lake (assuming it's not miserable the entire time we're there!).
Arlan's doing well too. He'll let us get his head wet, and today I dragged him through the water for a couple of seconds (under the rope) -- no resulting tears!! He loves to fall off the edge, with me to catch him. And even was standing up to fall to me today. But most of all he loves going down the slide. Today we had him in a life-jacket and I'd almost toss him off the slide to John in the water. Then he'd get out and have huge smiles anticipating all that fun to happen again. It is such a fun time to swim with those stinkers!!
Must be tiring too - Arlan has nice long naps, and Landon is quietly playing play-dough with John!! LOL

Other than that, we are seeing winter settle in ... BRRRRR! Landon had fun playing in the snow this afternoon for a bit ... driving his loader around the backyard making tracks. I'm not ready for it though! In more ways than one ... primarily I need to get winter boots for Arlan!! Poor kid, can't get out to play yet ... Maybe I'll have to make a concerted effort to get them this weekend.

Our weekend will be quiet. Mom & dad were going to come up, but plans changed, so we're hanging out at home ... nice and quiet. Hopefully get some shopping done, and I'm planning to do a good long run in preps for my 10K race in 2 weeks. I contemplated painting, either our bedroom or Landons....we'll see if I find the energy to pick out paints today or tomorrow.

Oh yeah, we got the boys' Hallowe'en costumes in the mail the other day (ordered on ebay). Landon has been Winnie the Pooh ever since! He wakes up and wants his Pooh costume! I hope it lasts until Hallowe'en!! We put Arlan's "hunny pot" costume on him, and he loved it too. He's such a ham -- he knows he's adorable, and parades around for our entertainment!! LOL But at least he's not wanting to ALWAYS wear it, so he'll be good for Hallowe'en. I'm sure Landon will be fine too, although he may be a bit dirty...

Other than that - life is good :-) Until next time...

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