Monday, September 28, 2009

TWO new teeth...

Yup - two new teeth in Arlan's mouth. Both on top - upper right first molar, and upper left of his front teeth. So now he has four front teeth, top and bottom, plus the first molar on the right side, top and bottom, for a total of 10 teeth. Actually, I think the molar may have been in there for a day or so, it's quite visible, but he won't let us near his mouth -- we really have to fight with him to get a peek!! But the other front one on top is just barely squeaking through, we've been watching it for the past week or so, I sure hope it makes a full breakthrough tonight!

Good day today - some retail therapy out at "Mallzac" ... that's the nickname of the big Cross Iron Mills mall at Balzac. It was Monday morning, so nice and quiet = happy shopping experience + several employees asking if I needed help! WOW Bought new 'stuff' for the boys bathroom. Landon picked out the shower curtain and rings (with only a minor amount of influencing), and the bathmats (I gave him the choice of colours). We also bought new garbage can/tumbler/soap dish and new towels, so it's all decked out and looks GREAT!

Much better than the old curtain - which I loved, but just didn't work in that little bathroom. Mom and dad get the old curtain (with rings) + soap dish/garbage can/tumbler, so I can still enjoy it when I go to their house :-D

Other than that - poor Arlan's been crying on and off tonight, so I hope that means more teeth and NOT a cold! I also have him in a warm sleeper and a sleep blanket, so he may be warmer than he's used to. But he's always cold in the morning, so I thought we'd best dress him better at night.

oh yeah, and Landon is sleeping for the first night without his bed rails on. We'll see how it goes. But he was SO pumped today to turn his bed into a "true" big boys bed ... by removing the rails and (finally) sleeping with the Thomas quilt Grandma made for him!! YAY He thought that was just the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen today, more excited now than when he originally got it. Better late than never I guess, hey? So hopefully he doesn't fall out ... *sigh*

That's it from here for now, until next time...

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