Friday, September 18, 2009

More recent pics

This is Arlan - wondering what the heck Landon is doing with mom's heels on!! I love the look on his face, it's like "Are you serious??!!" LOL

I have an arrangement with a neighbour ... she takes Landon while Arlan has swim lessons, I get her little Lexi while her older daughter has lessons. Works out wonderfully for me - I get a baby fix!! And Landon loves Lexi ... I can't imagine him laying down with Arlan, but he snuggled right up to Lexi. I wonder if we're going to have a "ladies man" on our hands, or what!!

Then Landon comes downstairs with my heels on ... and my worries of a "ladies man" vanish!! LOL He had so much fun running around the house with these on ... they made a wonderful amount of noise you see :-/ *sigh*

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