Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Arlan's Antics

Arlan has taken quite a liking to helping me sweep ... which makes getting the sweeping done a much more time consuming job than it should be. But it can be cute, nonetheless, considering just how much bigger that broom is than Arlan!!

Arlan crawled into the toybox yesterday - just to have a good seat to watch the goings-on by the looks of things.

Arlan, forever the kidder, put this hat of Landon's on, and thought he was just so funny. He strutted around, giggling and showing off (so much so, that Landon had to steal the hat and wear it himself!)

And I was making dinner, looked over to this scene. Made my heart jump, to say the least. The pics were taken as John is right there, just out of the frame. Otherwise he'd have just been scooped down lickety-split! SUCH a climber (where Landon was a jumper), he's always up on everything!!

Here's Arlan enjoying playing on the chairs, just like Landon used to do. And now he's taken to "dressing up" in the Tigger costume (Landon's been wearing it all summer long ... this is the first time Arlan 'requested' it). Good thing too, with Hallowe'en coming up. What will they be? Landon is going to be Winnie the Pooh (his request), and Arlan will be a Hunny Pot. Do you think I'll scar him for life?? Nah ... I'll just have bribery pictures down the road....

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