Sunday, September 27, 2009

This week in our lives...

Well, swimming lessons with Arlan went well again. He loves to 'fall' off the side of the pool, and will even let me get his face wet sometimes :-) He giggles and laughs, but mostly wants to do his own thing, not what the 'class' is doing (that's the trouble with waiting until he's over a year for lessons!). But he's enjoying swimming, that's for sure.
Then on Friday we all went to the pool with Landon for his lesson. Arlan, mom and dad swam in the tot pool while Landon had lessons, then we all went in the big pool. Both boys loved it so much, and it was really nice to have us all there swimming :-) Landon's doing really well ... they go in the 'deep' water holding floatation things (in this case it was foam 'dumbbells' they had under their arms), and practise floats and putting their face in. Landon's loving his lessons, looking forward to them every week.
So Saturday morning, Arlan brings me his swimmer diaper and goes to the front door ... like "let's go swimming mom!" LOL He loves is that much. Today we went to a b'day party in Airdrie, and the pool there has a big waterslide and stuff, so we might have to check that place out with the boys one of these weekends. Landon was very excited for the waterslide.

Both boys loved the birthday party today. It took Landon awhile to 'settle in' with the large group of kids, but by the end he was shedding tears because we had to leave. We played with one of those big parachutes, which Landon was ok with as long as he was beside me. Arlan, however, was right in there, shaking the parachute and giggling as usual!! lol The lunch room had a big play structure too (like a McDonald's Playland sort of thing), which Landon loved and Arlan did too (although he was too little to climb all over it). They had such a fun time - it was nice to see them enjoying themselves.

That's about the extent of our excitement. It actually has been pretty good. The swimming has been a ton of fun - I love having something I do with just Arlan, and to see Landon so excited is heart-warming. We'll have to be sure to do more and more swimming.

Until next time...

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