Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another new tooth :-)

Arlan popped through another tooth today!! Top, to the right of the 2 front teeth. So that's 2 so far this month, after that grumpy weekend. I wonder if more are on their way??

Just been enjoying the summer weather - in mid-September! I guess Mother Nature's making up for the crappy July?? Went to Airdrie today, still lotsa canola that's nice and green ... yuck

Landon's so funny these days, he walks around singing songs. I don't even know where he gets half of them! But he sings sings sings. And when we get in the car, Landon always wants music (specifically, the "na-na-na" song, which is "So What" by Pink). So I turn on the CD, and Arlan starts head-bopping. Cracks me up every time.

I don't remember if I posted before with Arlan's words. His favourite thing is "Bye" with a hand wave. We were at the Farmer's Market today, and he was saying "Bye" and waving to everyone. Even at the grocery store yesterday. So cute ... I love it. I should try to get a video of that...

Off to bed...

1 comment:

niknac said...

canola still gives me nightmares.