Monday, September 07, 2009

We're home again :-)

We are home again after having a nice visit in Saskatoon. Landon had an absolute blast, and did NOT want to leave this morning at all!! I kind of wanted to stay too, we were having quite a nice time!! Poor Arlan needed to get home though - poor kid. He's had an awful fever all weekend, I think it's due to teething as there are no other symptoms. So he has been MISERABLE! Fever that we've been treating, and he has no energy ... sits on us most of the time, will play a bit, and then needs to sleep. Not the usual fun Arlan we're used to, that's for sure.
But Arlan did perk up when we went to Lilja's 2nd birthday party on Sunday ... it was about the only time he was spry!! He really enjoyed the activity, and the toys!! He particularly liked Noah's Wiggles guitar...

The reason for the fever: well at least 1 tooth has popped through. His first molar on the bottom right. Now, he only has 2 teeth on top ... why he's already popping out a molar!!?? But, I'm remembering Landon getting 6 teeth in one week at age 15 months...Arlan will be 15 months next week. So maybe we're in for a bout of teething here, and we'll see some more come in the top, as well as this molar (maybe an eye tooth or two, by the looks of his poor, red eyes).

Landon had so much fun at Lilja's, he didn't want to leave, and has asked many times to go back!! Lilja got some cool gifts for her birthday, and Landon was in there enjoying them - especially a Tonka dumptruck, and a play-and-learn centre (fisher price). He was very patient though, through the gift-opening. It must've been SO hard for him, but he waited and let Lilja open her own gifts. It just about killed him to let her get that dump-truck opened..... I was very proud of him. He did, however, blow her candles out for her on the birthday cake before any of us could even blink!! I don't think the cake even made it all the way on to the table, and POOF!! lol But the candles were re-lit and Lilja had her turn too :-)

Other than that - John golfed with Brian (I bowed out, as I didn't want to leave sick Arlan with Aunty Rosemary, and wouldn't have enjoyed myself worrying about him anyway). I did a couple of runs with Brian - pushing my pace and distance (while it was a nice, easy run for him as he's running a half-marathon next weekend), we had nice dinners, and it was a really good time.

The driving was fine - if you can stand 4,312,937 questions from Landon!! "What's that truck carrying?", "Why is your blinker on?", "Why does grass grow here?". And then Landon's statement about an hour outside of Calgary "I wanna go to Kapuskasing!!!" aiaiaiai (Aunty Rosemary read him a story with Kapuskasing in it!! LOL). We were quite happy to let Landon out and get away from question period, that's for sure. And to think, Arlan will be doing the same thing in 2 years!! aAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHH

Now back to reality, and what appears to be fall. I will get some pics up this week I hope... Until next time...

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