Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bathtime - without tears :-)

Finally, we gave Arlan a bath and he didn't scream his head off!! Like we did with Landon, we moved him into our big bathtub, and I got in with him. In fact, I got in first, and when his curiousity got the better of him I pulled him in with me :-) But we made it through without screaming. I didn't wash his hair - dumped some water on his head and he was immediately trying to get out of the tub. But I got everything else washed (his feet are actually skin coloured, not dirt coloured!!! lol) so I'm happy. Then to his room, bottle and jammies and happy :-) Much nicer. Landon even crawled in with Arlan and I, and finished his bath up while I put Arlan to bed.

Landon had Sebastien over to play yesterday. He was so excited for "Bastien" to come, but when he got here, Landon was way more interested in playing with Sebastien's mom - of course!! Wow - am I gonna have trouble with him and older women? lol

Other than that - Landon is always busy. Right now he's carrying every book from our bedroom across to the bonus room, and piling them on the futon. I guess I'll go through our books shortly ...

Arlan is back to his happy, playful self. YAY! Giggling and playing and exploring all over ... so curious! And smiling again - I love it. Only one tooth has popped through (that danged molar), so we're watching to see if some more make their appearance shortly. There's gotta be a whole batch come through soon...

that's about it. Enjoying these nice days of late summer (I can still call it summer when we have humidex readings, right?). But I am looking forward to cleaning up the backyard toys -- several will be making their exit at the end of this season, and perhaps next year it won't be such a junk yard back there? Yah, right...heh heh

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