Friday, September 18, 2009

And the teething continues...

Arlan's got a bit of a fever again today -- similar to exactly 2 weeks ago when we went to Saskatoon. And he's already woken up once tonight, which is unusual...So I'm thinking we're in for some more teeth! It appears that the bottom eye tooth on the right is ready to pop through (it's so red and swollen and sore looking ... poor guy!), as well as one on the top. If they are on their way, I hope they come through quickly, and that Arlan isn't too fussy grumpy tomorrow. Of course, John gets to go golfing, so I'll get fussy-pants all to myself (great). Ah well...

Other than that, life is fine. Went through the boys clothing, got our winter items are sorted out I think. Might need to invest in some mittens and toques, but I think we're good for jackets and skin pants. Oh yeah, and Arlan will need boots. But other than that, we're good to go. Now to find their Hallowe'en costumes. Landon wants to be Winnie the Pooh - but I haven't found a costume big enough for him yet. As for Arlan, we'll maybe he can be piglet if Landon's Winnie? We'll have to see.

That's about it - not much excitement. Landon continues to challenge us daily with his attitude, grrr. He's started the crying over everything 'stage', my oh my. Drama QUEEN! LOL I just keep enjoying Arlan, and thinking to myself "Oh man, in 2 years Arlan will be doing the same thing! ARRGGGHHH!! " aiaiai

Until next time...

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