Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Whoops -- where have the days gone!

Aunty Allison was here for a visit - Arlan of course checked her out, and once he determined that she was ok, she was REALLY ok!! LOL Both boys loved visiting and playing with her -- and Allison got the best form of birth control ever (gotta love kids!). Ah well. We didn't do as much this year as we did last year when she was here, I think because Arlan needs to nap at home now I don't have the same 'freedom'. But she and I did "float the Bow" (drop a raft in to the Bow River, and float downstream) ... it was 30' and clear blue skies that Friday, it was WONDERFUL!!

Other than that - we've been hanging out at home. Iden spent a day with Landon last week, they had a lot of fun. It was cute to watch them - they'd play, then get sick of each other and go their separate ways, then they'd play together again. I didn't see any hitting going on, so Landon must've realized he can just go play on his own - he doesn't need to hit the other kid to make them leave!! LOL

Arlan now copies every single thing that Landon does. EVERYTHING! Landon was humming / moaning / singing into the empty water can (making a lovely sound!), and Arlan was right over there. Landon has to 'bite' the top of the umbrella pole, Arlan got right up there too. Landon hands on the cross bar on the swingset, so does Arlan!! Arlan follows him around ALL day long, doing everything his big bro does. The nicest times are when Landon plays back ... like they chase each other pushing trucks around the back yard, or they'll play in the sandbox together, that type of thing. Makes my heart melt :-D heh heh

I've also noticed Arlan is starting to stand his ground and fight back a bit. We've finally just got to the point where we've implemented the rule: if Arlan is crying or fussing, Landon has to quite doing whatever it is he's doing to him. That also goes for dad ... if Landon starts crying or fussing, DAD has to quit tormenting LANDON! Landon is getting a bit better with that rule, since "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" just wasn't getting any of us anywhere!!
But Arlan was walking up to Landon and pushing him today -- quite a change. It was ticking Landon off too, as he was trying to eat his "treat" (a Froster from Mac's). I just let it go, I know I'll be refereeing often enough.

Arlan is absolutely HATING his bath these days too! It's weird, when we run the tub, he stands at the edge wanting to get in ... he loves to play in water (and has succeeded in thoroughly soaking himself in the TOILET on occassion!!!! YUCK!). But when you put him in the tub, he is crying full volume and scrabbling to get out. Tonight I got in with him to see if it would help, but nope. I don't know what it is ... I remember Landon going through a phase of being afraid on the faucet, maybe I'll put a sock on it next bathtime to see if that helps. Or else we'll try our big tub (that helped with Landon too).

We took the boys swimming to an outdoor pool on Sunday - they loved it. Landon could JUST touch at the edge, so he had fun playing around. Then he jumped in 100 times, and went down the big slide twice, and then the smaller slide many many more times. Arlan was tentative to start, but we got him in the water and he sort of enjoyed it...although he was clamped on pretty hard! It did convince me to register him for swim lessons though, so both boys are starting lessons mid-Sept (until early Nov). Landon is unparented lessons now, so I will take Arlan in the tot pool while Landon has lessons for some extra water time with mommy! A neighbour and I are doing a kid-swap for lessons, to Landon will go there when Arlan has his lesson, and I'll have Lexi when Camryn has her lesson - works out quite well!

I guess I should get myself ready for bed. A late run tonight has me all keyed up! LOL Until next time (with some pics hopefully...)

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