Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Maybe THAT'S why they ask so many questions...

If the answers that I give to Landon's 1 million questions a day are even half as entertaining as the answers Landon gives to my questions, it explains why he asks so many questions!!!!

Landon just told me he doesn't want to have a penis anymore, he doesn't like it. I asked him what he would have instead. He's walking away from me (naked, of course), saying he'd have a bum in front, and a penis in the back (pointing to his body accordingly). "That's a good idea, right mom?" *ok*

So I think I should remember his answers to all of these questions we pose to him. They are quite amusing. Some other examples:

He told his babysitter that "Bees unscrew the lightbulbs and put their honey in there, and that's how they work." I don't know if that's how lightbulbs work, or how the bees work, but it's an interesting point to ponder....

Ah well, I will put more of these 'learnings' in here as I come across them!! Until then, we are enjoying another (close to) 30' day, and dreading the end of summer (and the approach of 'less play outside winter'!! ugh)

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