Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's fall again...

Nice weather again - snow's all gone, snowman's gone, kids are happy to play in the sandbox together. Even the rain barrel is melting and draining - thankfully!

John and I went out for dinner last night for our anniversary. Tony Roma's for ribs - YUM YUM! We enjoyed it, but laughed at ourselves as it took about 20 minutes to relax and just enjoy the time. It's amazing how keyed up we always are having to deal with these kids all the time! But we did settle down and visit and eat - so nice.

We had a pretty quiet weekend, doing things around the house, playing with the kids, that kind of thing. Enjoyed swimming Friday again, we'll have to keep going even after lessons are done, both boys love it so much, but especially Landon. And he is doing so well, it's really nice to see.

So, not much news. Until next time...

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