Sunday, December 20, 2009

Party Time!

Landon and Arlan had so much fun yesterday! We hosted a 'block' Christmas get-together with the other parents (aka other adults yearning for adult interaction!). So Landon got to play with Caitlin and Katelyn, Braden, Camryn, and the twins Dera and Evan, and his future wife Lexi (she's 8 months old, but Landon loves her. Well, he loves Lexi's older sister Camryn too, so there could be trouble there...*sigh*). Arlan thought it was pretty fun too - especially as Landon let him come into his bedroom to play along with all the kids (Arlan's eyes light right up every time he catches a glimpse of Landon's bedroom ... all those trains and tracks!).
We had a nice time too - it was pot-luck eat-all-you-can! So much food - but made it nice and relaxing for everyone. Hopefully we'll do more block get-togethers coming up ... we've been talking that we should just alternate hosts and do it monthly (wishful thinking - every 3 months would be more likely!!). But it was definitely nice, and all of the kids played SO WELL together it was awesome!

So now we're into the final stretch leading up to Xmas. We'll be assembling gifts and wrapping and packing for SK this week. Landon's so excited for Santa it's almost ridiculous. Arlan has no clue what's coming, but I'm sure he'll love the excitement of it all. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and visiting :-) Plus spending the time at Grandma and Grandpa's new house will be exciting!!

No preschool this week, not until Jan 12 :-/ How will Landon survive? He's loving it - making crafts (my first homemade Xmas ornament ... popsicle stick Rudolph :-D). Plus we've got Landon in skating lessons in January (new skates for Xmas from mom & dad), and Arlan in swim lessons (on one of the days Landon's in preschool, works out nicely). I really enjoy having that time one-on-one with Arlan, since I've never really had it up until now (except the day camp days in the summer, which Landon keeps asking to go to even now!).

Ok, so I'm a teensy bit excited for Christmas too. It is my favourite time of year! Until next time...

RIP Grandma Martha -- we miss you and I sure wish the boys could meet you! I know you're enjoying them from wherever you watch over us from.

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