Wednesday, March 03, 2010

happy morning...

Well this has been an incredibly happy morning. Landon woke up in the best mood I've seen him in in several days! Likely because we all slept until after 9 am (which makes mommy in a very happy mood too!).
Or maybe Landon's getting the vibe for his birthday coming up this weekend ... the next few days are all about party-planning! Gotta figure out a cake, party snacks, etc. Again, ideas are welcomed! I'm leaning towards a construction cake, using little construction vehicles ...maybe a mining scene with big dump trucks????

1 comment:

Aunty vonnie said...

hope it all works out. It really breaks your heart to have them sad. It will also be a good lesson to get through if you can turn it around. good luck and lots of hugs from Aunty Vonnie