Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Arlan's in gotchies...

We'll see what the day brings. Arlan keeps asking to wear underwear, so I put some on him today. The first success was he came and told me as soon as he'd peed (in his underwear). So I put him on the potty for a couple of minutes (of course there was no action), and congratulated him on coming to tell me. Put clean underwear on and we'll see what happens. When I ask if he'd like to sit on the potty now he says no ... so we'll see what happens right after lunch (I'll sit him on there as soon as he's done eating). I was just happy that he knew enough to come and tell me he'd peed - the first step to recognizing what, exactly, that sensation means!!
Now, don't go thinking I'm all full of high hopes. I don't expect Arlan to train until next summer!! So any progress is far beyond my expectations. I just think it's a neat experiment :-)

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