Friday, July 09, 2010

Update on Stats :-)

Arlan's stats from the doc yesterday:

27 pounds
35" tall

From what I read up on quickly, he's a light one (35-40th percentile?), and average height (60th percentile?). He wasn't too friendly with the doctor either - very minimal examination occurred as he had to be held by mommy and the doc couldn't touch him. The good news is that I mentioned a minor concern around his eyes (Aunty Yvonne pointed out that it appeared one was a bit lazy) and the doctor could not see anything to be concerned about. We'll keep watching, but he said the light reflected back from his eyes as it should so no need for worry :-)

Other than that, slow couple of days. Landon's sad because he doesn't have a constant stream of friends over to play with :-/ I'll have to phone a friend for this afternoon I guess.

until next time...

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