Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Weight check-in
We're trying something new tonight -- we've put the cd player in our room and have a heartbeat sound with waves in the background. We're hoping that that will help him to sleep longer. He's napping now, in the Amby, has been for about 45 minutes or so. Which is nice because his earlier nap was definitely not long enough and he was a bear when he woke up!! The good news -- I'm off to play ball in about an hour, so dad will have to deal with grumpy tonight :-P Actually we're hoping that he will not be so grumpy if he gets a bit more napping in now. We'll see... As long as he'll sleep tonight!!
Talk to you later...TK
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
12 weeks old...

Landon is now 12 weeks old! Hard to believe, but now we can state his age in months!! LOL Here's some pics from yesterday (the swaddled picture), and today. He loves to imitate us when we make fart sounds (upper right picture). He can't quite get the sound right, but he enjoys sending sprays of drool everywhere trying! Fart sounds are pretty much a guaranteed smile-getter these days. I think it's because that's the one sound he's so familiar with from in the womb ... heh heh!!
I am hoping that his growth spurt is over, because yesterday was a killer. He ate every 2 hours from 2 am until 10 pm. And there wasn't many smiley-happy times in between - for him or for me!! I spent the day eating, drinking, and feeding him!! He's been 'spurting' for a week now, but today was better (after he finally let us get some sleep last night), so hopefully we're at the end. It maybe wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't already spent a week with very little sleep and more fussiness than we're used to. On a good note, he's really chunked up these last few days, it's pretty cute. The yellow onesie up above is a 6 month (thank you to Pam, Glenn, Lana, Derek, Jennifer and Kirby!!). His legs are getting chubbier too - which I love! I will take him to get weighed again tomorrow, because I'm very curious to see how much he's gained this time, since he's been eating about 2.5 times more often than in previous weeks!!
That's about it from here for now. The little fuss-budget has been happily entertained by dad's guitar-playing for the last 15 minutes, which has been a blessing since he's been pissy tonight!! Hopefully soon we'll be drifting off to slumber-land ...
Until next time .... take care!! Tamara, John & Landon!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
In the Jolly Jumper

Here in a picture of Landon in his jolly jumper ... as promised a few posts ago when we first got it. He's still enjoying it - for a few minutes at a time. When he gets stronger it won't tire him out quite so much. But he does like it, it's fun to watch him in there! He likes the lights and music that go on when he jumps!
He's also discovered his hands and his feet, so every now and again he sees them again and is mesmerized! That's great to watch!
Ok, gotta' go now...ttyl!
Landon's first ball tournament

Landon survived his first ball tournament yesterday!! Thanks wholly to dad being willing to hang out at the ball park with Landon in the Bjorn carrier all day long!! He was very good - enjoying lots of sleep time on dad, and eating up all of the attention from the doting moms out at the diamonds!! I survived the tournament too, barely. We won the A-side, so that helps me feel not so sore today :-P The trophy was a ball glove with a hard-ball in it - so Landon now officially has his own hardball too. Never too early to start, right!?!?
The pictures are from today - Landon was being particularly adorable on the change table. Actually, that is where he's at his cutest. He must love getting clean diapers on or something, because when we're done changing him, he sits there and talks for about 20 minutes, smiling and talking and just generally being wonderful. He must be trying to make up for the smelly messes that get him in there in the first place. Maybe that's why he's been pooping so much these last few days...
Actually he's been pooping so much because he's still doing the growth spurt. We're on day 6 right now ... It's been a long week. He didn't sleep well friday night, so we endured the ball tournament on only 3 hours of sleep!! But I keep reminding myself that at the next growth spurt he'll be starting solids already, so that's helping me to get through a long, tiring week. I just wish I'd started playing ball next week instead!! But we have a break until Wed, so I think I'll be recuperated by then!! LOL And hopefully this growth spurt will be over sometime this week and we'll be getting more sleep.
On the sleep front, the Amby bed is working out pretty well. Landon had 2 naps in there today, 2 hours and 1 hour. We are able to put him down and only check on him a couple of times. It's such a change from every nap being on us!! If he's quite sound asleep when we first lay him down, he's pretty good at staying asleep in there on his own. We will try having him in there tonight for the night, and see how that goes. I was so tired last night that I just slept with him in the rocking chair ... he fell asleep nursing, so I reclined the chair and went to sleep. It was the longest stretch of sleep I've had all week (5 hours) and it felt wonderful!!
Well, I think that's the news from this front for now. Will post more later in the week. Hopefully we'll get more sleep this week so we have more energy for pictures!! LOL Take care.....Until next time....
Thursday, May 25, 2006
The hammock bed is here...
We got Landon weighed yesterday (as I try to do every Wed at breastfeeding drop-in). He's 12 pounds, 10 ounces. We measured him today and he's about 24" long too. So he's still growing growing growing :-).
Ball went well last night again - we won (yay). You can follow our progress if you're interested at We are "Bad Habit" in Division one (appropriate name ... particularly this year! Man I'm sore!!). I play again tomorrow night, then a tourny on Sat, and one or two games on Sunday as well. *sigh* I picked the wrong week to come back I think!! LOL
That's all for now. Will post again soon....TK
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Today has been rough...
John went to the Cult tonight ... I'm jealous! I hope it is a great concert though. I was bugging Grandma that if she was closer I could've went too! But given this little stinker's demeanor today, it's likely best that I just stayed home!
I took Landon for a walk tonight in the stroller, as a stroller with him facing forward. He sure liked that a lot - checking out the world as we strolled along. He even had a short (i.e 3 minute) snooze! But at least he's comfortable in the stroller like that! With this nice weather we will have to try to use it like that more often. It's harder in the daytime though, because he gets very cranky when the sun's in his eyes. So we may have to keep on using the car seat attachement for awhile yet.
Here's to hoping I (well, we) get some sleep tonight. The hammock bed arrived today, and is washed. Tomorrow we may just try putting him in there to see how that works. Maybe he'll like it more than the bassinet - which he's coming close to outgrowing now too.
That's it from this side for today ... hope all is well wherever you are. Until next time....coo coo, gurgle, ahhh-goo. :-)
Monday, May 22, 2006
Take me out to the ball game...

Landon laughed today. His first laugh - it was adorable!! The above pics were taken on this weekend. I LOVE his dimples!! He was enjoying tummy time (VERY unusual), and he was talking and smiling away. I guess he likes sitting in my rocking chair!!
I played my first ball game tonight. It went all right - we won which is always nice. We'll just see how I feel tomorrow!! John and Landon came out to watch because it's such a beautiful night. Landon was pretty good - even managed to wait until I was done playing to get hungry! It did feel good to get back out there though, and to know that I can (if that makes sense). There are lots of games coming up this week, so we'll see how the rest of the week goes.
We have free tickets to the Cult tomorrow, but I think I'm going to just let John go. With all this ball playing that will be happening, I think I'll just enjoy a night at home with Landon. I will be playing Wed, Fri, a tournament on Sat, and 2 games on Sun. I think I have Monday off though, which I will need by then!
Until next time....TK
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Thanks to Mike and Kathleen for the wonderful party!! Happy (belated) birthday to Mike, and congratulations again on your engagement!! Have fun with the wedding planning ... it'll be a blast I'm sure!
Until next time........TK
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Swaddling Blanket ROCKS!
Landon slept from 11:30 pm until 6:30 this morning, wrapped all happy in his new swaddling blanket. You can check the blanket out at A lady in Winnipeg makes them, and some of the mommies I've met swear by it, so we thought we'd try it out. It works better because he can't wiggle out of it like he could the blanket. We're certainly hoping that this is a sign of things to come. Maybe we'll even be able to convince him to sleep on his own too!! But one thing at a time I guess.
Napping is going better too. He's been in his bouncy chair for 1.5 hours ... the longest nap not in our arms EVER!! I guess the weeks of sleeping with us is finally paying off and he's getting comfortable and secure enough to sleep elsewhere. Very very nice!
Mom is excited too. She's planning to go back to playing ball next week. We'll see how that goes after not doing anything (besides walking) since November!! aiaiaiaiai. We'll have to head to the batting cages this weekend perhaps, see if we can get things loosened up a bit.
And dad is practising up on his golfing, shot a 45 this morning on 9 holes. Getting ready for the big golf trip in June. I don't know if I'll get out to do much golfing this year, I'm thinking softball may be enough! LOL
Anyways, until next time, take care and we'll post again soon!! TK
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Jolly Jumper time!!
In the meantime, here's our 2 month snapshot of Landon - for all to enjoy!! He weighed in at 12 pounds, 4 ounces today, so he's still growing well. We're focusing on sleeping habits these days, hoping to get him out of our bed sometime before he's 2!! LOL Actually, since John's on parental leave now, we're hoping to move him into his own bed over the next few weeks ... we'll keep you posted on our sleep-deprivation and progress :-P
Well, I must go and watch American Idol. I'll try to post more tomorrow. Take care....Until next time! TK