Landon is now 12 weeks old! Hard to believe, but now we can state his age in months!! LOL Here's some pics from yesterday (the swaddled picture), and today. He loves to imitate us when we make fart sounds (upper right picture). He can't quite get the sound right, but he enjoys sending sprays of drool everywhere trying! Fart sounds are pretty much a guaranteed smile-getter these days. I think it's because that's the one sound he's so familiar with from in the womb ... heh heh!!
I am hoping that his growth spurt is over, because yesterday was a killer. He ate every 2 hours from 2 am until 10 pm. And there wasn't many smiley-happy times in between - for him or for me!! I spent the day eating, drinking, and feeding him!! He's been 'spurting' for a week now, but today was better (after he finally let us get some sleep last night), so hopefully we're at the end. It maybe wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't already spent a week with very little sleep and more fussiness than we're used to. On a good note, he's really chunked up these last few days, it's pretty cute. The yellow onesie up above is a 6 month (thank you to Pam, Glenn, Lana, Derek, Jennifer and Kirby!!). His legs are getting chubbier too - which I love! I will take him to get weighed again tomorrow, because I'm very curious to see how much he's gained this time, since he's been eating about 2.5 times more often than in previous weeks!!
That's about it from here for now. The little fuss-budget has been happily entertained by dad's guitar-playing for the last 15 minutes, which has been a blessing since he's been pissy tonight!! Hopefully soon we'll be drifting off to slumber-land ...
Until next time .... take care!! Tamara, John & Landon!
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