Saturday, May 20, 2006


Well, Landon had a rough day yesterday. We missed getting that first good nap in, and it was all downhill from there - or uphill rather! He was fussy all day, until he finally got about 1.5 hours in around dinnertime. Then it was time to go out to a party!! He was pretty good at the party - not as happy to be held by 'strangers' as in the past, but he didn't kick up too much of a fuss. We were able to stay out until 11:30!! Amazing!! And when we came home, Landon went to sleep fairly easily, and slept from midnight until 7 am --- (wait, here's the best part) --- in his BASSINET!!!! YES! He made it through the night in there. Now I think that's mostly because he was so tired from not sleeping well at all yesterday. But I will take it, there's no doubt about that. He was up from 7 until 8:30, then he and I went back to bed for a nice 2.5 hour nap. Needless to say, mommy's feeling gggggggREAT today :-) Let's hope Landon has a better day today too.
Thanks to Mike and Kathleen for the wonderful party!! Happy (belated) birthday to Mike, and congratulations again on your engagement!! Have fun with the wedding planning ... it'll be a blast I'm sure!

Until next time........TK

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