Landon survived his first ball tournament yesterday!! Thanks wholly to dad being willing to hang out at the ball park with Landon in the Bjorn carrier all day long!! He was very good - enjoying lots of sleep time on dad, and eating up all of the attention from the doting moms out at the diamonds!! I survived the tournament too, barely. We won the A-side, so that helps me feel not so sore today :-P The trophy was a ball glove with a hard-ball in it - so Landon now officially has his own hardball too. Never too early to start, right!?!?
The pictures are from today - Landon was being particularly adorable on the change table. Actually, that is where he's at his cutest. He must love getting clean diapers on or something, because when we're done changing him, he sits there and talks for about 20 minutes, smiling and talking and just generally being wonderful. He must be trying to make up for the smelly messes that get him in there in the first place. Maybe that's why he's been pooping so much these last few days...
Actually he's been pooping so much because he's still doing the growth spurt. We're on day 6 right now ... It's been a long week. He didn't sleep well friday night, so we endured the ball tournament on only 3 hours of sleep!! But I keep reminding myself that at the next growth spurt he'll be starting solids already, so that's helping me to get through a long, tiring week. I just wish I'd started playing ball next week instead!! But we have a break until Wed, so I think I'll be recuperated by then!! LOL And hopefully this growth spurt will be over sometime this week and we'll be getting more sleep.
On the sleep front, the Amby bed is working out pretty well. Landon had 2 naps in there today, 2 hours and 1 hour. We are able to put him down and only check on him a couple of times. It's such a change from every nap being on us!! If he's quite sound asleep when we first lay him down, he's pretty good at staying asleep in there on his own. We will try having him in there tonight for the night, and see how that goes. I was so tired last night that I just slept with him in the rocking chair ... he fell asleep nursing, so I reclined the chair and went to sleep. It was the longest stretch of sleep I've had all week (5 hours) and it felt wonderful!!
Well, I think that's the news from this front for now. Will post more later in the week. Hopefully we'll get more sleep this week so we have more energy for pictures!! LOL Take care.....Until next time....
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