Saturday, January 20, 2007

All-Night Crib Sleeping!!

Landon actually slept in his crib overnight last night. YAY It wasn't all joy and fun though :-( He went ot sleep ~9:30 pm, I put him in his Amby. He woke up shortly after 10, as per usual. But he cried cried cried until I couldn't stand it. I went to get him, he was on his side with his arm jacked under him, the blankets under him, boogers all over his face ... he was a MESS! I got him out of the Amby, he finally calmed down a bit but now isn't very sleepy :-/ So I thought if he's gonna be up he can be up in his crib. He played in there for about 15 minutes, then started crying (he was tired!). He pooped his pants, so I changed him and put him back in the crib (where did that poo come from? He rarely poops at night ... especially since he's been sleeping through the night!). He CRIED, HARD, until almost 1 am! Almost 2 hours of just about killed me. Finally I went in there and did what all the 'experts' tell you not to do ... I picked him up. He calmed down only when I turned on the musical aquarium (FINALLY - that thing becomes worth it!!LOL). So I held him for a few minutes and put him back down - he screamed and yelled some more, but finally went to sleep. It was shortly after 1. aiaiaiaii

Then we woke up at 8:30 and John was like "did you check on him overnight? is he okay?" It was funny - usually I'm the one panicking that something unspeakable has happened overnight. But Landon was fine ... his head was crammed into the corner of the crib, but beyond that he was fine. I don't know if he fully awoke at all overnight as I didn't hear anything. But he woke enough to move into the corner of the crib :-) And when he woke up himself at ~9:30, he was happy and didn't seem to be completely ruined from crying for almost 2 solid hours (despite my absolute conviction that we were destroying him by having him cry!).

He napped well in there today as well, both times going to sleep within about 15 minutes of being put in the crib. yup - both times. He napped from 1 - 2:30, and 5:30 - 6. I really don't think he can do only 1 nap a day, as we have tried a few times. He was sooooo overtired last night - which is part of the reason he woke up to begin with, and most of the reason he then couldn't get back to sleep. But the second nap is getting shorter, only 30-45 minutes, so maybe that's all he'll need for now until he is ready to drop it *shrug* I don't mind ... I like that bit of downtime just before dinner! I'll just have to get more used to doing errands in the morning, as that is becoming his longer awake period now.

Swimming lessons went well this morning. Landon wasn't overly sure about the water again, poor little chicken-sh*t! But after about 20 minutes he got used to it and proceeded to splash everyone within a 10 foot radius with his arm-waving! LOL Then we sat in the hottub again (Landon on the edge) and he really liked that - especially when dad showed up in the hottub. He really loves his dad -- he lights right up when John shows up. He loves me too, so much so that he insists on whining whenever I'm around, but there's just something about John...

John and I are probably going to buy a membership at the pool place, the pool is great, and John worked out there this morning and said the facility is very nice. They have childcare too, so we will likely drop Landon off one night a week and do some climbing as they have a good climbing wall there as well.

And I actually tried out our humongous bathtub tonight -- I had to try it, it's so huge!! LOL It was nice, but I still think those big soaker tubs are a bit ridiculous! Ah well...

That's the news from here. I'd better go, give Landon some cereal and we'll see if he's about ready for bed. Wish us luck with the crib-sleeping tonight! Will post soon...TK

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