Monday, January 08, 2007

These are a few of my favourite things...

Landon has been impressing us repeatedly with his bids to stand on his own. He will let go of the couch for a few seconds at a time, and usually manages to keep his balance for 5 seconds or so, before either plunking down on his bum, or grabbing ahold of the couch again. But each day that interval gets longer, and his balance more solid, so we are waiting for the day when he lets go and doesn't need to grab on again. He likes to put his hands in the air too, when he's standing, like he's saying "Ta Da!!"
Another favourite passtime these days is sitting in the front hall, chewing on bootstrings. Now I can only imagine how these strings taste ... thinking of the places they've been ... ugh! But he doesn't seem to mind, in fact he will occupy himself for half an hour at times, just chewing on them! He hasn't gotten sick yet, so no harm no foul, right? ick
And our maistro does love the piano. John cranked the bench up to full height so that Landon could sit there and plunk away. This also occupies him for great stretches of time, in addition to amusing John and I to no end. Sometimes we put music up for him, but then he just wants to rip it down, so usually he's just playing his own tune ;-)

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