Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Landon fell asleep - BY HIMSELF - IN HIS CRIB yayayayayayayayayaayayay

It was a struggle ... but it was worth it!!
Yesterday Landon had only one nap ... so he was up from 1:30 pm to 9 pm. When I put him to bed, I put him in his crib. He woke up 30 minutes later crying, so I moved him to the Amby. He cried on and off until 11 :-( But then he was good for the night - at least I didn't hear him anymore. He slept until 9 am :-)
Since he was up a bit earlier today, I thought it is a good day to 'practice' falling asleep by himself in the crib. When he showed tired signs at about 10:45 I put him in there. He played. I took him out ~11:30. He played a bit by himself, then got fussy within about 20 minutes. I put him back in his crib. He fell asleep about 20 minutes later - no crying, just some fussing, but no crying. And he's ASLEEP!! YAYAYAAY That is GOOD news!

So I don't know if he's wanting only one nap a day, or two. I think the nursing him to sleep has been keeping the two naps, by getting him down to nap perhaps before he's really ready. Today he was likely more ready for a nap, which is why he could go to sleep on his own (?). I'll see how long he sleeps. yesterday he napped for 2 hours. If he does that again today, I'm thinking he may be dropping a nap. Which I guess will be fine. I do like my 'downtime' during the day, and I guess if it's once for 2 hours (vs twice for 1.5 hours each) then so be it. I actually wouldn't mind if he went to 1 nap a day ... less naps to have to work around :-/ And if he can do those naps in his crib ... and start going down with no nursing ... then that will be wonderful!! Because yeah, I forgot - no nursing him down this morning either :-)

so that's the crib-napping update for today!

other news - I sold my first item on Ebay! Very exciting!! I will mail it off today. What was it? The lovely Dora curtains that were in our spare bedroom until recently. I'm sure some little girl out there will be tickled to have them for her room, and we're happy to have a pull-down blind in our spare room.

that's the news for now...until next time...TK

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