Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Belly Pics and Doc update...

Here are some pics of the belly from today. According to the doc, I'm 37 weeks, 2 days. According to the ultrasound I'm 38 weeks. Only time will tell...
So my bp is still crazy low (explains why I'm dizzy when I lie down, when I sit up etc) at 106/63 today. Baby's heartbeat was 144 bpm. My ultrasound showed everything is really good (amniotic fluid, etc), the baby is 3.6 kg right now (just over 7.5 pounds ... not quite as scary as the 8 pounds the ultrasound tech mentioned -> maybe she meant estimated weight at due date???). So all is ticking along quite fine. I'm having more and more trouble sleeping, even my afternoon snoozes are disrupted now (those used to be undisturbed). I just can't get comfortable, and when I finally do fall asleep I wake up frequently because I've rolled over to an uncomfortable position. but I can't complain too much - Landon's still napping for ~2 hours in the afternoon, so I get a chance to lay down and rest if nothing else. The heartburn hasn't been too bad - actually I haven't had heartburn at night since I stopped brushing my teeth before going to bed (I know....eeeewwww). I think that might've been the source ...
So the countdown is on ... I definitely feel more like "c'mon out kid, let's get this show on the road" this time, whereas with Landon he could've stayed snuggled in there for awhile longer as far as I was concerned :-) Funny how a person's outlook changes.
Now if we could get some sunnyshiny days so that my cabin-fevered kid quits driving us nuts! Tomorrow we're going swimming, so hopefully that'll help.....

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