Arlan Jarrett Keller came absolutely RACING into our lives on Wed morning, June 18. Here are the stats:
Born 10:16 am June 18, 2008
Weight: 8 pounds, 8.5 ounces
Length: 20.5" (exactly the same as Landon)
The story behind RACING?
At my doc appt on Tues, I was 1 cm dilated. So the waiting game had really begun. John and I spent the evening with Landon, and making final preps, waiting waiting waiting ('oh, maybe that was a contraction). Then we went to bed.
I woke at 6:10 to go pee (of course). When I laid back down I though "hmm, that might've been a contraction". About 10 minutes later, same thing. John and I started discussing if he'd go into work or stay home, knowing we didn't have to decide on that until 7:30. I was thinking I'd let Landon sleep until 9:30, get him ready to go to Ricki's, and we'd go from there. The contractions began to be noticeable shortly before 7, so I knew it was the real thing. We got up at 7 and I was already talking that we may have to wake Landon by 9, no, maybe by 8:30. Almost immediately my contractions went from 10 minutes to 4 or 5 minutes within 1 or 2 contractions. We made our calls (my mom, Ricki & Trish who would be watching Landon throughout the day, John to his work). By now I'm saying we'll get Landon up no later than 8.
So we got Landon up, I spent a few minutes with just him (kind of 'good-bye' to the 'just us' times....). We got him dressed and in the car and over to Ricki's by ~8:30 and were at the hospital at 9. I thinking we hit triage at about 9:10, I was 6 cm dilated. I requested an epidural when we walked through the doors ... no such luck. By the time they could assess me, get me into a delivery room, and request an anesthesiologist ... no time. Arlan likely would've arrived quicker had the dr arrived sooner to break my waters. Three pushes and BAM! A beautiful, squawling baby boy. 10:16 am ... I hadn't even been admitted until ~9:30 (I was one of those moms who was in the delivery room while dad was admitting me!!).
We came home Thurs morning. John and Landon came to the hospital to pick us up. Landon took the baby in stride ... even offered Arlan his puppy blanket in the car, and insisted on having his hand on Arlan's head while we were driving (in newborn fashion, Arlan's neck was cranked right over, poor thing). The day's since haven't necessarily been all that glorious for Landon - it's a tough adjustment. But Grandma and Grandpa came for a quick visit to spoil Landon, and John's off work for a few weeks to spend time with him too. He is mostly jealous of Arlan when he first gets up -- he's very used to having mommy in the mornings. And I've been trying hard to find time for Landon every day. The first couple of days were pretty good - Arlan ate, pooped and slept. Now Arlan's a bit more demanding ( I say that tongue-in-cheek ... that kid can WAIL), eating what feels like non-stop, and it's harder to get that time with Landon. But we're adjusting ... stories on the couch beside mommy, lots of kisses, and I try to get in to see him before he goes to sleep at night for at least a couple of minutes.
Hopefully in a couple of weeks we'll all be better adjusted -- John to his new domestic duties, me being healed up, Arlan to opening his frickin' mouth when he latches on, and Landon to sharing mommy a bit more.
So that's really that ... LONG post as I've been off for awhile, and who knows when I'll get this chance again :-/
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