Well, we've made it through the first week of adjustment with Arlan. He's pretty darned cute -albeit in a loud, demanding sort of way. He's much more content than Landon was in some ways though - he'll sleep somewhere other than on us, and when he's awake he's more content to watch a mobile or stare at the window or just listen to Landon be rambunctious! But I'm thankful for that - I can actually put Arlan down and do something while he's napping! LOL Which means I get to spend some time with Landon too - which is very important.
So all things are going pretty well I think. Dr appt on Tues - Arlan's healthy which is good. Mom's healing well, which is a blessing. Nursing is going pretty well -- a bit sore, but overall pretty good. I'm getting a bit of sleep, with Arlan doing his cluster feeding into the early morning hours and then giving me some time off. Now if he would just quit yowling every time we change his diapers! LOL
Landon is adjusting pretty well we think. He is jealous at times - who wouldn't be? A couple of times a day he demands that I put the baby down to play with him, and thankfully with Arlan's demeanor I can usually comply - unless I'm nursing. John and Landon are having fun though - playing in the backyard, going to the store, even doing some stuff in the basement. If it wasn't for the G-D mosquitoes, I don't think we'd have to do anything to entertain Landon! But they are so bad at times that even Landon comes running in the house "Bad mosquitoes!". The picture of him running below is Landon running from the "noisy lawnmower" (even though John and the mower are on the other side of the fence). And he's been enjoying his little swing / slide structure more and more too, which is nice.
1 comment:
You have some handsome little boys there Tamara. I still look forward to reading your posts even though there few these days which is understandable but can't wait for lots lots more.
Keep up the good work.
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