Thursday, September 04, 2008

Of course, Arlan's amazing too :-D

our little munchkin is growing and learning so much! He can sit up in his Bumbo already, although he doesn't enjoy it for too long yet. He's also learned to blow 'spit bubbles' -- there are some in this pic, but don't know if you can see them.
Right now his favourite is on the play mat, looking at himself in the mirror. Landon loved the octopus, Arlan loves the mirror. If he's fussing, that's the place that will calm him down. Sometimes he'll be squawking when you put him on there, then he catches site of himself and calms right down - cracks me up.
Arlan also loves his bouncy chair. He checks out the little bears that hang on it (or the shapes on the bouncy chair upstairs), and coos and talks. He has been talking lots - telling plenty of stories. He smiles all the time for mommy too. When he wakes up I go in to get him and once he sees me his whole face lights up and he squirms and puts his hands to his mouth. I love it!
I think he may be a thumb-sucker some day if he ever finds it. He always puts his hands to his mouth, and will even push the soother out to get his fingers in there. But when he's falling asleep he still likes the soother (likely because I swaddle him so he can't get his hands to his mouth!! lol).
Speaking of swaddling - he's learning to sleep with his arms out. Not by my design, but because he gets his arms out himself. Last night he had his arms out within an hour of going to sleep for the night, and he slept like that for 4 more hours. But when I tried to leave one arm out of the swaddle when putting him down for a nap yesterday it was unsuccessful. So I'll still swaddle him to put him down for now, he'll have to keep working his arms free himself ... for a week or two more anyways :-)
And I think his flat little head is rounding out ... we haven't attended a positioning class or anything, I think it's just rounding out because he's moving his head around on his own when he's sleeping, plus he's spending more time upright with us while playing, or moving his head around on his own while playing. So I don't know if I'll worry about going to any classes anyways (they're full at this point, so I may not have a choice). We'll see what the doc says at his 3-month check-up on the 18, but I just don't think it's going to be a concern.
Anyways, that's the news for the second amazing Keller-baby :-)

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