Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Starting to roll.....

Well, no more leaving Arlan anywhere elevated, that's for sure. He's starting to roll around that little stinker. This bum shot shows how far over he gets. It's from tonight. By the time he was done rolling he had turned himself 180'!! And was quite pleased with himself too :-)
He's such a little cutie-pie, I just love it. Can't believe how FAST time is going with him though!! I weighed him today and he's 14 pounds, 14 ounces! WOW! I just stopped in at my community health clinic (where I take the boys for shots, etc) and I can weigh him anytime, which is really nice.
We had a pretty busy day. Firstly I asked Landon when he got up if we should get dressed and go to the zoo. His response: "ooooooh, there's gonna be lotsa hippos and rhinocinuses!!!!!" (Him trying to say rhinocerus is priceless...I'm going to try to get it on video because it cracks me up). So we got dressed, did some running around (picked up a small aquarium/heater/rocks/plant via freecycle) and went to the zoo. Landon was so pumped to see the hippos and the giraffes (pronounced girafeeeeees), plus the zebras and lions. I bought an annual pass because I think we'll be going more often now that Arlan doesn't eat 62 times a day. I know it's getting to be winter, but the pass is good until next fall so we'll go all next summer :-)
Landon loved the zoo. The first thing he asked for was a treat ... which is an Itzakadoozie (an expensive popsicle!) ... he remembered from when Allison and I took him to the zoo in August. Then we looked at animals, he climbed rocks and ran around (and around and around). We had lunch, he fed fries to the seagulls and chased the peacocks. Then I sat on the elephant bleachers while he climbed up and down (and up and down and up and down) ... I watched the baby elephant playing in the water and nursed Arlan. Then we left. It was a wonderful zoo trip - so relaxed and makes me want to go again tomorrow!! LOL
Tonight Landon and I went to the pet store to pick up a few more things for the fish now named Thomas (of course!). We just needed a net, and some water conditioner, and I bought a fake plant and let Landon pick out a little ornament thing -- it's plankton from SpongeBob Square Pants. Then we washed out the aquarium and got it all decorated up and put Thomas the fish in there. Looks pretty good - it's the first aquarium I've ever had (just some goldfish in fishbowls as a kids) so I was excited too :-D Now Thomas has a nice new home with more room to swim, some plants to rest on, and some ornaments to hide behind, sitting on Landon's dresser.
Arlan hasn't cried the last couple of nights when going to bed, which has been a treat. Tonight he woke at 10:30 hungry though - which is unusual. I think the earliest he's woken before was maybe 11:30 or so? But he did go to sleep at 7:30, so *shrug* At least he just eats and goes right back to sleep --> PHEW! Maybe he'll sleep through to 5 am or something ... heh heh I know, I'm dreaming, but I can dream right?
Anyways, I should get to bed myself ... having these nursing naps with Arlan in the afternoon has me falling asleep later at night - then getting up to feed Arlan overnight I'm tired the next day so I look forward to and treasure that nursing nap again :-) Vicious circle, but I think I'll just take advantage of those naps while I can!! Until next time...

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