We're back from Medicine Hat and our first road trip with Arlan (aside from the trip to Banff, which was just a day trip). It was successful! YAY
We left Sat morning by 10 am (I know, hard to believe hey). When we arrived in Med Hat we met Dave and the boys at the Med Hat Lodge. John took Landon on the waterslides, which he absolutely LOVED! I left my camera in the room unfortunately, so I didn't get any pictures (nor any video of Landon screaming like a teenage girl) going on the slide. So John and Landon swam and swam, while I visited with Dave (who is lucky enough that he gets to sit by the pool and supervise as his boys slide and swim .... we'll be there too someday ...) and Arlan slept.
It got a bit hairy as we were trying to get everyone over to Judy's for the evening and I was trying to get ready and feed Arlan /pump, etc. But we got everyone there, Arlan didn't starve, and I got to go out with friends!! YAYAY!
I had lots of fun all night (yes, all night ... not much sleep at all for me!!), laughing and just enjoying not listening for baby cries!! John had a pretty good night too -- Landon and Ryder played well, and Arlan wasn't too loud. I guess he showed off his lungs for Dave for awhile, but was asleep shortly after 8 pm. John got up and fed him at 1 and he slept until 5:30 am when I got to feed him. I'm so glad that Arlan slept just fine in his play pen :-D Bodes well for our Sask trip coming up next month!
Landon was super great too ... fell asleep so nicely on his Thomas bed behind the couch in the living room :-) Gotta love that Thomas bed!!!!!!
The next day, the drive home was pretty sweet. Arlan slept the entire way (!!!), and Landon was so tired he just stared out the window for most of it. I just wish I could've slept! lol
But I got some sleep last as Arlan slept pretty well, so I'm starting to feel a bit more recovered. Tonight I play volleyball for the first time in ~ 1 year, so I'll be putting my recovery back a bit though. But that'll be fun too. I hope the boys behave well for John tonight as he'll have to put Arlan to bed again.
That's the little bit of news from here. Oh yeah, Landon peed on the toilet again last night before his bath. So he will do it, he just doesn't take the initiative to do it on his own :-/ Ah well ... it'll come I'm sure. Until next time...
So yes, there has to be 'something' to commemorate the weekend ... in this case it was the 'silly putty incident'. Pretty self explanatory. So Landon got a bit more of a haircut, courtesy dad!! LOL
And we just won't tell Judy what Ryder and Landon were doing in her room ... or even that they were in her room, right?
1 comment:
omg is Arlan's hair super cute reminds me a lot of Eastynn about a year ago
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