We've come a LONG way! These two shots are from the same spot ... the 'before we drove a nail' shot, and one from last night with the brand new carpeting :-) The closed door is the bathroom (silicone on the floor was drying, so door was closed to keep curious george out!). The image of Landon was, well, exactly him all night - running all over the basement as much and as fast as he could!

Here's looking back into the main room (was taken from hallway in front of bathroom door). This will be our toy room for now ... Landon and I already took loads of toys down there today, and he is LOVING playing down there. All that ROOM! We will be buying a big toyshelf shortly, and will get him all set up. Of course, we'll be spending plenty of time down there with him, as right now every squeak, creak, and crack scares him (go figure!). But it's looking pretty sweet - we are excited!!
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