Monday, December 29, 2008

High Fructose Corn Syrup

This is something we've been hearing about for years, but again it's made the news.

Now - some of this is a bit over the top (it always is), corn itself doesn't make you fat. But most products containing high fructose corn syrup (hfcs) are 'convenience' foods that tend to be considerably less healthy food choices than say -- making something from scratch, or buying more 'natural' or 'pure' products (I use quotation marks there because there's definitely some issues with products labelled as 'natural' or 'organic' or 'pure' not being as natural or organic or as pure as they may lead you to believe ... but that's a different day).

But in this article there's a link to a list of foods containing hfcs --

-- it's far from an exhaustive list, but it'll get you thinking about checking your own labels. These products are US ... and I checked a couple of things that I thought would for sure contain it but didn't (Yop by Yoplait, for example). But it's a starting point - and maybe it'll get us checking some labels? A friend asked me yesterday what my New Years Resolution is ... today I know what it is. Reducing (I doubt I'll completely eliminate) products with hfcs in my house.

Anyways ... this is just info ... thought I'd share. Since it has to do with the health of my boys, I thought it'd be ok to share on the blog ;-)

Editted to add: here's another article from CBC in Nov.
I'm just trying to find a comprehensive list of what it's called in our ingredient lists, so we don't get fooled by terms like "liquid sugar". When I find that, I'll post it too.
Ahhh ... here it is - in the first paragraph of this 'report':
Mom - you'll be interested to find that 'agave syrup' is a term for hfcs!!

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