Monday, December 29, 2008

I've been reading labels, and have noticed that we don't list hfcs here in Canada, but rather glucose/fructose, which according to the below ag canada link is the "generic term used for high fructose corn syrup". crappy - here I was thinking we're doing 'better' in Canada!!

so, based on this fact (which I've confirmed by continuing me search and more sources state that hfcs is glucose-fructose in Canada), it IS in everything (well, maybe not quite, but close!). And to think, it's not even used in many countries in the world (EU, Asia, NZ....).

So if you would like to sign an on-line petition asking the gov't to ban the use of hfcs, click here. I doubt it's use will diminish any other way, given the economic advantages to using this cheap sweetener, and our penchant for sweet (not to mention convenient). *sigh*

Ok, I think I might be done my rant. I'm going to make supper ... hfcs free!

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