Thursday, January 29, 2009
Can you see it?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Yup - it was poking through this morning! Just a little bit of it, you have to feel for it (or be lucky enough to catch a glimpse ... but I think he knows we're looking in there because he keeps his tongue over his tooth all the time!), but it's there. Phew! The first one. Hopefully he'll be a sleeping dream again now :-)
Other than that - things are pretty slow. Took the boys to the library today - Landon is excited to go there now and read books. Of course, that means I read a page or two and then he grabs more books from the shelves (the poor people having to reshelve them all!) and then he just jumps around the kids' area :-/ I did manage to keep his destruction to a minimum, only left about 3 books out at the end of it all. Arlan was wonderful, hanging out in the stroller, smiling and cooing and ah-gooing, and taking in the whole thing!
Ummm ... got our furnace cleaned (hence the trip to the library ... WAY too noisy, even Arlan was howling and Landon had his hands plastered over his ears!). Ummmm.......yeah, so that's about it. I'll try to get some pics up here .. maybe try to do that tonight. Until next time...
Other than that - things are pretty slow. Took the boys to the library today - Landon is excited to go there now and read books. Of course, that means I read a page or two and then he grabs more books from the shelves (the poor people having to reshelve them all!) and then he just jumps around the kids' area :-/ I did manage to keep his destruction to a minimum, only left about 3 books out at the end of it all. Arlan was wonderful, hanging out in the stroller, smiling and cooing and ah-gooing, and taking in the whole thing!
Ummm ... got our furnace cleaned (hence the trip to the library ... WAY too noisy, even Arlan was howling and Landon had his hands plastered over his ears!). Ummmm.......yeah, so that's about it. I'll try to get some pics up here .. maybe try to do that tonight. Until next time...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Poor bum :-(
I took Arlan to the doctor today. He has a red spot on his bum - it's just a dry-skin area right now, but it's been there for over 10 days (since the 16, day after he got his 6 month shots), so I figured I'd better get it checked out. It's on his buttock up the back, so I usually forget about it all day until I give him a bath, as I don't even see it when changing his diaper. He got a cream to put on there, and we will go back to the doc next week. Hopefully it'll be gone. Doc figures it might be a localized reaction to his shots, or maybe not - so we have to put cream on at bedtime and see how it goes from there. It doesn't seem to itch or anything, thank goodness.
Arlan was not impressed at the doc's office though. Apparently he doesn't like to have his diaper stripped off and "strangers" examine his buttocks!! LOL He howled like only Arlan can! poor kid
I had a good afternoon today though. Arlan and Landon actually napped at the same time (knock on wood!!), and I managed to get a little nap in with Landon. So wonderful - I love when that works out :-)
so that's the quick update for today .... until next time...
Arlan was not impressed at the doc's office though. Apparently he doesn't like to have his diaper stripped off and "strangers" examine his buttocks!! LOL He howled like only Arlan can! poor kid
I had a good afternoon today though. Arlan and Landon actually napped at the same time (knock on wood!!), and I managed to get a little nap in with Landon. So wonderful - I love when that works out :-)
so that's the quick update for today .... until next time...
Monday, January 26, 2009
it's definitely teething time in our house...
Arlan hasn't popped a tooth through - yet - but he's working on it. There's a definite bump on the bottom gum now, so all I can do is HOPE he gets it through soon so the fussies can disappear! We just aren't used to dealing with a fussy Arlan, so we are like newbies at it all over again! LOL Last evening he was sooo fussy. That plus he isn't napping as well through the day (45 mins to an hour usually), so he's plenty tired.
On the upside, he slept last night from 6:30 or so until 7 am this morning. Which was a blessing, as I was very sleepy from my previous evenings activities (Kristi's shower and stagette). So I got a good sleep too (10 - 7 ... likely the longest sleep I've had in a year or more!).
Landon's been doing better on the sleep front too. He goes to bed much better when I'm either already in bed (like 2 days last week when I went to bed at 8 pm!), or go to bed right after tucking him in (letting John turn off his light a few minutes later and making sure I don't get up to see him again at all!). So that means he's waking up at 8:30 a lot easier too, which is great.
So that's really the only news here. I got my passport photo done this morning, so will fill that app out and go to send it off tomorrow. *shrug* Don't know what else is new ... nothing really. Will post more when I know more ;-) Until then ...
On the upside, he slept last night from 6:30 or so until 7 am this morning. Which was a blessing, as I was very sleepy from my previous evenings activities (Kristi's shower and stagette). So I got a good sleep too (10 - 7 ... likely the longest sleep I've had in a year or more!).
Landon's been doing better on the sleep front too. He goes to bed much better when I'm either already in bed (like 2 days last week when I went to bed at 8 pm!), or go to bed right after tucking him in (letting John turn off his light a few minutes later and making sure I don't get up to see him again at all!). So that means he's waking up at 8:30 a lot easier too, which is great.
So that's really the only news here. I got my passport photo done this morning, so will fill that app out and go to send it off tomorrow. *shrug* Don't know what else is new ... nothing really. Will post more when I know more ;-) Until then ...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Still not the best sleep...
Arlan is still waking about 1 or 2 am to nurse, and then again 6:30 (when he's up for the day!!). I think I can see a little white spot starting to show on the bottom gums, but I can't always see it so I don't know if it's wishful thinking or what? There isn't a bump yet, that's for sure, so if it is teething, he's several days away from much 'action' anyways. But I'll keep watching.
It's been cold again here (like the rest of the country), but that doesn't stop Landon from wanting to go outside. Such a nice change from winters past! We get bundled up and he's happy as a clam to trundle around outside!! His cheeks get so rosy, but he never wants to come in. Must be a sign that he's got warm enough clothing!! LOL He really enjoyed helping me shovel the driveway yesterday. There was only ~1" of snow, so he had no trouble pushing it with his little shovel. He had well over 1/4 of the driveway 'cleared' by himself (by cleared, I mean the snow was moved elsewhere ... sometimes off to the side on the snowbank, sometimes over to my side of the driveway, sometimes just on his shovel...). Then he showed me a 'trick' (his favourite new way to get you to come with him) by walking on the hard snow ... pretty FUN!!
So the pics -- Landon actually almost smiled nice for the camera, so thought I'd post it. He was enjoying a pancake, one of his favourite things these days (and mine too, since I 'sneak' sweet potato in there so he gets some VEGGIES!! LOL).
And Arlan - despite waking me up more often, he's still as smiley as ever!! Especially when he's working on being mobile. He's rolling all over to explore, and yesterday he was pushing himself backwards while on his tummy with his knees sort of up under him. Soon soon he'll get that crawling thing figured out I'm sure!!
I'm off to a bridal shower this afternoon, stagette tonight. I'm looking forward to going out with some friends, not looking forward to a hangover (so hopefully I'll be successful at containing myself tonight!! LOL). Won't post tomorrow though, that I'm sure of. Until next time...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Is it teeth?
Poor Arlan. He's been sleeping SO well, but the past several nights he's been waking about 2 am ... I've been feeding him, he goes back to sleep. I'm not liking the 'extra' feed overnight, but last night when I just ignored him (for only 10 minutes or so) he just cried harder and harder so I fed him.
Now tonight he woke up at 10!! He hasn't woken in the evening hours for SO long! He was asleep ~6:30, but that's not unusually early for him. I tried just giving him a soother, but he really cried HARD! When I did go and pick him up he was so sad :-( He nursed, and I put him down, and I think he's back to sleep (haven't heard anything for about 15 minutes or so).
Now he is nursing when he wakes, but I think it's more soothing than anything. I'm almost wondering if his teething is starting to kick in? He's 7 months with no sign of teeth popping through yet, but this is the exact time when Landon REALLY fussed (Grandm and Grandpa will remember it well....) and about 2 weeks later his first tooth came out. So maybe that's what coming up with Arlan?
Either that or maybe an illness? He was crying so hard tonight, he was hiccupping and trying to nurse :-( He's such a sweetheart ...I hate to see him cry so hard. Hopefully these additional wakings will not continue though ... we'll have to see.
Now tonight he woke up at 10!! He hasn't woken in the evening hours for SO long! He was asleep ~6:30, but that's not unusually early for him. I tried just giving him a soother, but he really cried HARD! When I did go and pick him up he was so sad :-( He nursed, and I put him down, and I think he's back to sleep (haven't heard anything for about 15 minutes or so).
Now he is nursing when he wakes, but I think it's more soothing than anything. I'm almost wondering if his teething is starting to kick in? He's 7 months with no sign of teeth popping through yet, but this is the exact time when Landon REALLY fussed (Grandm and Grandpa will remember it well....) and about 2 weeks later his first tooth came out. So maybe that's what coming up with Arlan?
Either that or maybe an illness? He was crying so hard tonight, he was hiccupping and trying to nurse :-( He's such a sweetheart ...I hate to see him cry so hard. Hopefully these additional wakings will not continue though ... we'll have to see.
Arlan's starting to explore...
Arlan is fulling exploring his world these days -- well, he's exploring the living room floor anyways. It's so cute to watch. Before he'd by on his tummy, playing with and noticing the toys that were within reach (i.e. right beside him). But now he rolls onto his tummy and is noticing the toys that are on other side of the room. Now mostly, these toys are Landon's, so they are VERY interesting!! LOL
So I have been trying to teach Landon how to know if Arlan can have a toy or not, by using the toilet paper tube trick. Landon thinks that's quite fun, although I'm not sure he really 'gets' what I'm telling him. But for the most part I just tell him that Arlan can't have his trucks, and he's happy with that. We'll see how it goes once Arlan starts to crawl.
And Landon is still flipping out when Arlan squawks, I'm curious to see his reaction when Arlan starts to crawl. Because I'm pretty sure Arlan will be crawling straight for Landon once he gets it all figured out!
Every time Landon comes into view, Arlan follows his every move and has a big smiler on his face. He has started to try to talk to Landon too. Of course, Landon jabbers a mile a minute, but if he's ever quiet, Arlan looks at him "Ah Goo!" as if to say "Hey, why so quiet? You're entertaining me!"
So I'm getting ready to put the gates up and do a full-fledged housecleaning top to bottom in the upcoming days. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm afraid it's coming sooner than later. Maybe, just maybe, the rolling thing will occupy Arlan's learning curve for awhile, and he'll hold off on crawling for a month or two? Of course with rolling I'll still have to get some cleaning done, but it'll take him longer to fully explore the house I'm thinking (hoping).
And it's supposed to get cold here again for the next few days. Our run of wonderful weather is coming to a halt. It's been so nice - take the boys outside after lunch, no ski pants, some days just a sweatshirt for Landon, Arlan all happy hanging out in the car seat. Mommy muttering and swearing while she chips ice off the sidewalk (how bloody thick can it actually get!!).
Oh well, with the colder weather, maybe I'll get more organized in the house? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok, until next time...
So I have been trying to teach Landon how to know if Arlan can have a toy or not, by using the toilet paper tube trick. Landon thinks that's quite fun, although I'm not sure he really 'gets' what I'm telling him. But for the most part I just tell him that Arlan can't have his trucks, and he's happy with that. We'll see how it goes once Arlan starts to crawl.
And Landon is still flipping out when Arlan squawks, I'm curious to see his reaction when Arlan starts to crawl. Because I'm pretty sure Arlan will be crawling straight for Landon once he gets it all figured out!
Every time Landon comes into view, Arlan follows his every move and has a big smiler on his face. He has started to try to talk to Landon too. Of course, Landon jabbers a mile a minute, but if he's ever quiet, Arlan looks at him "Ah Goo!" as if to say "Hey, why so quiet? You're entertaining me!"
So I'm getting ready to put the gates up and do a full-fledged housecleaning top to bottom in the upcoming days. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm afraid it's coming sooner than later. Maybe, just maybe, the rolling thing will occupy Arlan's learning curve for awhile, and he'll hold off on crawling for a month or two? Of course with rolling I'll still have to get some cleaning done, but it'll take him longer to fully explore the house I'm thinking (hoping).
And it's supposed to get cold here again for the next few days. Our run of wonderful weather is coming to a halt. It's been so nice - take the boys outside after lunch, no ski pants, some days just a sweatshirt for Landon, Arlan all happy hanging out in the car seat. Mommy muttering and swearing while she chips ice off the sidewalk (how bloody thick can it actually get!!).
Oh well, with the colder weather, maybe I'll get more organized in the house? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok, until next time...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Arlan is SEVEN months old!
When I think back, Landon rolled from back to tummy for the first time when he was almost 8 months ... Arlan's likely to be crawling by then. But Arlan doesn't jump anywhere near as much as Landon did. I think he's more of the curious one (he'll rip the stuff out of the cupboards for SURE), where Landon was more of the 'doer'. Landon crawled, or walked, or jump, for the sheer "Look what I can do!" factor. Arlan I think will be more of the "Look what I just figured out!" type.
And he's determined ... if he wants something, he WANTS it. Don't try to take it away, or keep it from him! Little stinker bug. And I can't believe he's wearing the same clothes Landon wore at a year! LOL He's got longer legs relative to Landon's that's for sure! Landon was always a size behind in pants it seemed, where with Arlan pants are too short on him altogether too quickly.
And heeeere's our fashion plate :-)
But he had a blast splashing through the puddles. There's no shortage of them on our street, that's for sure. And when he was done splashing he took off his boots and walked barefoot through the mud (our flower-bed), then smeared mud all over the front door and steps!! Gotta love it - I remember loving mud as a kid too!! And luckily I was at Wendy's for a few minutes to dad got to clean it all up (and even luckier Landon couldn't get the front door open to get in the house himself like he was trying to do!).
Yup - the snowy-slushy mess is our street - YUCK! We have to blast out of our driveway and back up about 2 houses to where they've snow-blowered the street a bit, then take a big run forward to get past the mess in front of our house!! Both John and I have been stuck once out there :-/ But it's supposed to be up in the mid-teens again tomorrow, so maybe some of it will finally disappear?
Yes, it was about +15 or something when Landon was out like this...gotta love chinooks in January!! Even Arlan was hanging out outside - without a coat (but still a blanket!).
Why were we all outside? John was painting the trim and doors for the basement -- he sprayed them in the garage, and was cleaning up.
and yes, that's my FILTHY car ... will have to get it washed one of these days obviously :-) Mucky, yucky mess!!
We did actually have the neighbours daughter to babysit for about an hour this afternoon. John went to wash his car, I went to buy groceries. Arlan had a snooze while she was here, so she just had to play with Landon. And John was back from his errands quickly, so he was basically just in the garage. But we did want to have Briana watch the boys as a bit of a 'practise run' ... hoping this works out and we can employ her much more frequently. It's nice as she's right next door, so if there's questions or problems, her mom is close too. And with John's band practises starting up again in Feb we'll be needing a sitter on Monday nights ... so she'll get about 7 weeks out of Feb / Mar -- some good income for her :-) So hopefully it all works out well -- it's a win-win situation (well, win-win-win as Landon already was asking to play with Briana this evening!! LOL)
Landon didn't want to nap today with all this fun outside. So we didn't make him. By about 4:30 he was so sleepy. I put on CARS (surprise surprise) and he laid on the couch. I said "Landon are you sleepy?" He said "Mom, I'm SO sleepy!" LOL Then he went to sleep on the couch and was konked out for about 45 minutes until we had to get him up to go drop John's car off. He wasn't impressed when we got him up - but he snapped out of it once we got him in the car. Then he was all talk "Mom, look at that BIG WHITE TRUCK! Do you think we'll see a semi truck pulling a TRAILER!???"
oh my ...
Arlan is getting closer to crawling! Tonight while we had playtime before bathtime (we do this every night -- spend some time with Arlan naked playing on the floor in his room with mom. He really likes it, I think because Landon's usually not around!) ... anyways ... tonight while we had playtime in his room, Arlan was rolling all over and grabbing toys and grabbing for me and what have you. So he's on his tummy reaching for me (all the while, that big gummy grin!). I pulled his upper body up off the floor, and ZIP! Those little legs just went right underneath him and he was pushing down with his knees (does that make sense ? He was pushing with his knees to propel himself forward). As soon as I'd put his weight back on his hands he's lay down flat again, but he's getting the idea, that's for sure.
Of course, with all this learning going on, Arlan is not very interested in going to sleep at night. That's new for him! Last night I don't think he went to sleep until 9 (he went to bed at 7, but I heard him cooing and ah-gooing intermittently until almost 9). Tonight he cried for about 15 minutes before going to sleep at 8:30! And we were kind of used to him going to bed at 6:30 or 7!! But tonight is our fault too - we had to drop John's car off to get fixed, so we had a long car-ride late in the day and Arlan had a quick catnap at 6 pm (only about 10 minutes, but enough to cause some troubles I think).
So hopefully Arlan drops this crying at night thing (even this laying the crib thing). I like the "goes to sleep without a problem" Arlan much better. We'll see how it goes. I do have to admit, the whole 13 hours in bed thing does seem a bit long for me - so if he spends only 11 or 12 in bed, but sleeping straight through, I'll be fine with that :-)
Anyways, I have some pics to upload, and so will do that and hopefully post still tonight and can then tell more stories about the pics :-D Until next time...
Of course, with all this learning going on, Arlan is not very interested in going to sleep at night. That's new for him! Last night I don't think he went to sleep until 9 (he went to bed at 7, but I heard him cooing and ah-gooing intermittently until almost 9). Tonight he cried for about 15 minutes before going to sleep at 8:30! And we were kind of used to him going to bed at 6:30 or 7!! But tonight is our fault too - we had to drop John's car off to get fixed, so we had a long car-ride late in the day and Arlan had a quick catnap at 6 pm (only about 10 minutes, but enough to cause some troubles I think).
So hopefully Arlan drops this crying at night thing (even this laying the crib thing). I like the "goes to sleep without a problem" Arlan much better. We'll see how it goes. I do have to admit, the whole 13 hours in bed thing does seem a bit long for me - so if he spends only 11 or 12 in bed, but sleeping straight through, I'll be fine with that :-)
Anyways, I have some pics to upload, and so will do that and hopefully post still tonight and can then tell more stories about the pics :-D Until next time...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Arlan Pictures
Here's Arlan asleep in the sled again. It was much colder this day, and snowing slightly. He didn't care - he still nodded off!! LOL So sweet :-D
And here's our little smiler. The sun shines in to the computer room (bonus room) so nicely in the morning, and he loves to play in here (which works for mom to check her email too!!). He is just too cute. And his hair -- like, what do you do with that!! It looks like the wind's blowing it off to one side!! LOL And those curls are always off like that! In some pictures he reminds me of a mad scientist or something with this wild hair all over the place! heh
Poor Landon :-(
Landon got himself a nice fat lip today :-( He was splashing through the water (yes, it's about +10' here, so it's all slushy and stuff) and slipped on the ice that's still underneath and his hands slipped when he tried to catch himself, so he smashed his face into the sidewalk. Even his nose is scratched up. He sure cried! Good thing we had some nice cold snow to put on his mouth right away ... although it didn't stop all the swelling as you can see. He wouldn't let me lift his lip up, so I'm not sure how much damage has been done on the inside. I'll have to see when he wakes from his nap - maybe it won't be quite so tender.
Then on his way upstairs to have a nap (sooooo sleepy after a big cry like that) he bonked his head on the handrail. MORE tears ... it's been a REALLY tough afternoon for Landon.

Here's a pic from last week ... Landon is at the stage where he organizes everything. His favourite activity is to line his trucks up ... here he managed to get them all balanced on the back of the couch. And as you can see, he was quite proud of this accomplishment. He also enjoys lining them up when he plays in the basement, or on the table, or wherever else.
His second favourite passtime is loading his trucks and loaders up with play-doh -- play-doh is dirt, or coal (if he's been watching Thomas), or whatever else is in his imagination that day. I LOVE play-doh (although I am already tired of sweeping up dried bits of it already ... but I am realizing I have about 6 more years of that ahead of me...)
You'll notice we haven't been talking about potty training -- that's because it's at a complete stand-still right now. ABSOLUTELY no action on that front for well over a month :-( But he did ask to wear gotchies yesterday, for a few minutes anyways. He's also not wanting to wear a diaper much ... preferring to run around naked (of course) and getting a diaper only to pee or poop. I ask every day if he wants to use the pot, but don't push him. Hopefully soon we'll see some potty action ... but I think if he doesn't train shortly, he will in the summer time. I'm hoping anyways...
Then on his way upstairs to have a nap (sooooo sleepy after a big cry like that) he bonked his head on the handrail. MORE tears ... it's been a REALLY tough afternoon for Landon.
Here's a pic from last week ... Landon is at the stage where he organizes everything. His favourite activity is to line his trucks up ... here he managed to get them all balanced on the back of the couch. And as you can see, he was quite proud of this accomplishment. He also enjoys lining them up when he plays in the basement, or on the table, or wherever else.
His second favourite passtime is loading his trucks and loaders up with play-doh -- play-doh is dirt, or coal (if he's been watching Thomas), or whatever else is in his imagination that day. I LOVE play-doh (although I am already tired of sweeping up dried bits of it already ... but I am realizing I have about 6 more years of that ahead of me...)
You'll notice we haven't been talking about potty training -- that's because it's at a complete stand-still right now. ABSOLUTELY no action on that front for well over a month :-( But he did ask to wear gotchies yesterday, for a few minutes anyways. He's also not wanting to wear a diaper much ... preferring to run around naked (of course) and getting a diaper only to pee or poop. I ask every day if he wants to use the pot, but don't push him. Hopefully soon we'll see some potty action ... but I think if he doesn't train shortly, he will in the summer time. I'm hoping anyways...
Weights and Measures...
I took Arlan in for his 6 month shots this morning. He was SUCH a trooper - not even a squawk for the first needle, and only about 15 seconds of tears with the second. I opted out of the flu shot for him, for a few reasons: he would need a booster in 1 month to be fully protected, and by then we are less than 6 weeks away from the 'end' of flu season; plus the rest of us are vaccinated already so we are less likely to bring it home to him; and since I'm still breastfeeding he still gets protection from me as well. So only 2 needles for him today, and no more until he's 1 YAY!
How does Arlan measure up? He's 18 pounds, 10 ounces (gained 1 lb, 3 oz in past 4 weeks -- that's almost 5 oz a week!) and 27" tall (same as last month). That puts him at 75th percentile for height, 50th for weight. He's a chunky monkey, but would be even moreso if he wasn't so 'tall' :-) The solids are serving him well I guess.
All other areas he's fine. Head shape is fine, she couldn't check his hips (like the doc couldn't) as he kept pushing back on her. There's no sleeping issues, no feeding issues, all's well with the little smiler -- just what I like.
How does Arlan measure up? He's 18 pounds, 10 ounces (gained 1 lb, 3 oz in past 4 weeks -- that's almost 5 oz a week!) and 27" tall (same as last month). That puts him at 75th percentile for height, 50th for weight. He's a chunky monkey, but would be even moreso if he wasn't so 'tall' :-) The solids are serving him well I guess.
All other areas he's fine. Head shape is fine, she couldn't check his hips (like the doc couldn't) as he kept pushing back on her. There's no sleeping issues, no feeding issues, all's well with the little smiler -- just what I like.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Haven't done much this week...
Well, this week has past, and we didn't do too much :-/ I guess we did some running around, dropping John's car off to be fixed and picking it up again. We did discover through these journeys that Arlan no longer screams when it gets dark out and he's in the car. That's a VERY good thing ;-) Both boys were amazingly patient with the whole process, which was almost 2 hours in the car on Friday afternoon when we dropped John off to pick his up (yup - rush hour ... gotta love it!! NOT!).
Arlan's still working on getting some sort of mobility - when he's on his tummy he can quite easily spin himself around to get toys he wants (and even toys he shouldn't have). So we put him down facing one way, and aren't sure which way he'll be facing when we next look. And he can move himself a bit to the sides, but not too far yet. He's really working on getting forward momentum. If I put a toy he wants just out of reach in front of him, he works sooooo hard to get it ... and is learning that he needs to have his arms out in front of him (not back by his sides like he's flying like Superman!!), and is starting to push up on his hands while moving and squiggling his legs. I think one of these days he'll move himself forward a bit, and then ... *sigh* I'm waiting for it, but not anxiously!! LOL I like the non-moving Arlan for right now :-)
Landon's been watching CARS movie ALL the time ... he gets up in the morning and that's all he wants to do. We haven't even gotten him to watch the new Thomas DVD's from Aunty Yvonne and Uncle Greg! It's all CARS, all the time. I've started to set the timer when he gets up, and when the timer goes off so does the TV. It has worked well, although I haven't done it this weekend as we've been busy enough the tv hasn't stayed on. But I think I will keep that up to try and minimize the television viewing.
I'm just hoping that soon Landon will not be so scared of the basement and will be confident enough to play down there by himself. It's not that I mind going down there, but my being down there does not get laundry done, dinner made, dishes put away, etc ... (yes, I do some of those things every day!!). But I am trying hard to stay patient with him to help him get comfortable, and I'm doing little 'tests' every day -- like going upstairs for a glass of water while he waits for me on the stairs instead of coming right up with me; or waiting for him on the stairs while he runs to the basement to get a favourite toy. It's a slower process than I'd like, but the pay-off will be huge when we get him used to it.
Other than that - not too much news. Had my cousin and her family for lunch yesterday - it was nice to have a bit of a visit. Her little guy sure is cute - 19 months and full of energy. Reminded me of what we're in for in about a year :-/ I love Arlan just the size he is now .... but I guess we all have to grow!
That's the bit of news from here. Will try to get some pics posted soon - until next time...
Arlan's still working on getting some sort of mobility - when he's on his tummy he can quite easily spin himself around to get toys he wants (and even toys he shouldn't have). So we put him down facing one way, and aren't sure which way he'll be facing when we next look. And he can move himself a bit to the sides, but not too far yet. He's really working on getting forward momentum. If I put a toy he wants just out of reach in front of him, he works sooooo hard to get it ... and is learning that he needs to have his arms out in front of him (not back by his sides like he's flying like Superman!!), and is starting to push up on his hands while moving and squiggling his legs. I think one of these days he'll move himself forward a bit, and then ... *sigh* I'm waiting for it, but not anxiously!! LOL I like the non-moving Arlan for right now :-)
Landon's been watching CARS movie ALL the time ... he gets up in the morning and that's all he wants to do. We haven't even gotten him to watch the new Thomas DVD's from Aunty Yvonne and Uncle Greg! It's all CARS, all the time. I've started to set the timer when he gets up, and when the timer goes off so does the TV. It has worked well, although I haven't done it this weekend as we've been busy enough the tv hasn't stayed on. But I think I will keep that up to try and minimize the television viewing.
I'm just hoping that soon Landon will not be so scared of the basement and will be confident enough to play down there by himself. It's not that I mind going down there, but my being down there does not get laundry done, dinner made, dishes put away, etc ... (yes, I do some of those things every day!!). But I am trying hard to stay patient with him to help him get comfortable, and I'm doing little 'tests' every day -- like going upstairs for a glass of water while he waits for me on the stairs instead of coming right up with me; or waiting for him on the stairs while he runs to the basement to get a favourite toy. It's a slower process than I'd like, but the pay-off will be huge when we get him used to it.
Other than that - not too much news. Had my cousin and her family for lunch yesterday - it was nice to have a bit of a visit. Her little guy sure is cute - 19 months and full of energy. Reminded me of what we're in for in about a year :-/ I love Arlan just the size he is now .... but I guess we all have to grow!
That's the bit of news from here. Will try to get some pics posted soon - until next time...
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Arlan rolls over!
Arlan rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time today. We were downstairs cleaning up toys (so that you could walk without stepping on something ... and I mean that LITERALLY!!! aiaiaiai). Arlan was on his back having fun ... but he loves to play on his tummy SO much that he just rolled on over by himself. Then he kept right on playing.
He LOVES to play on his tummy - preferring that to his back for the most part, unless he's quite tired. His favourite right now is to be on his tummy on the play-blanket Grandma made, batting balls around with his hands (the play-blanket is perfect as it has a 'stuffed edge' so the balls are less likely to roll away -- by 'stuffed' I mean there's quilting sown into the edge of the blanket, making it about 1.5" high).
We've also been able to feed Arlan more 'stuff' lately. He likes sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. Today he even ate some apples, although he wasn't particularly excited about the oatmeal at that time (first time he ever wasn't gung-ho for oatmeal). He has been sleeping funny all day too ... hope it's not teeth bugging him, although I keep waiting for that day when they do start to come in. I'm very curious (anxious) to see how he reacts. Landon was bad for the first one, and for the week he got 6 at once, but other than that teething wasn't too big a deal for him. I wonder what Arlan will react like?
Anyways, he's having a 3rd nap right now, as he had short naps earlier in the day. Likely means a bit later of a night for him, but really ... 7 or 7:30 still isn't THAT late!! LOL This kid amazes me every day with his going to bed at night - it's a lesson everyone else in this house sure could learn ;-)
He LOVES to play on his tummy - preferring that to his back for the most part, unless he's quite tired. His favourite right now is to be on his tummy on the play-blanket Grandma made, batting balls around with his hands (the play-blanket is perfect as it has a 'stuffed edge' so the balls are less likely to roll away -- by 'stuffed' I mean there's quilting sown into the edge of the blanket, making it about 1.5" high).
We've also been able to feed Arlan more 'stuff' lately. He likes sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. Today he even ate some apples, although he wasn't particularly excited about the oatmeal at that time (first time he ever wasn't gung-ho for oatmeal). He has been sleeping funny all day too ... hope it's not teeth bugging him, although I keep waiting for that day when they do start to come in. I'm very curious (anxious) to see how he reacts. Landon was bad for the first one, and for the week he got 6 at once, but other than that teething wasn't too big a deal for him. I wonder what Arlan will react like?
Anyways, he's having a 3rd nap right now, as he had short naps earlier in the day. Likely means a bit later of a night for him, but really ... 7 or 7:30 still isn't THAT late!! LOL This kid amazes me every day with his going to bed at night - it's a lesson everyone else in this house sure could learn ;-)
Fun in the snow

Our walk home from the park took quite awhile, as Landon had to stop every 4 steps or so to have a 'drink'. yup - he loves to eat snow. I tried to get him to stop when he first started, but he just keeps doing it. So I guess he'll get his pound of dirt early this year ... ugh! LOL I just don't think it's the same as eating snow on the farm where there's just no vehicles driving by all the time making it 'dirty' - but whatever ... *shrug*

Our walk home took so long that Arlan decided to start his snooze in the sled!! Yup - he's konked right out here :-) So we walked home and I put him to bed and he kept right on sleeping (SO unlike Landon who would've woken up at that point thinking he'd had enough nap and wouldn't have gone back to sleep at all). So I guess Arlan doesn't mind that sled after all ...
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Random Pics
We've had a good few days, haven't been doing much. We're all pretty much used to sleeping in these days - it's gonna' be tough for John to get up for work. And I'm pretty sure him getting up will have Arlan up earlier too (he's been sleeping in until 8:30 since Christmas ... except his usual one time up at 6:30 event). I think Arlan wakes when the garage door opens *shrug* Ah well ...
And back to V'ball tomorrow- I'm looking forward to that. Get some exercise, maybe work off some turkey. Ah, who am I kidding, it's not the turkey that was the problem!! it was the cookies, and the brownies, and the tarts, and the chips, and the pie ... you get the picture ;-) I did do yoga today though - so it's a start!
I've also been testing out all of my Xmas gifts. The robe is wonderful, I tested that out on Boxing Day. The Deceptively Delicious cookbook -- well .... deceptive would be accurate. I shouldn't knock it too much yet, I've only tried a couple of recipes. Instead what I'm doing is putting veggie purees into my own recipes, and that's worked out all right so far. Like cauliflower in scrambled eggs, sweet potato in pancakes ... I'll keep experimenting. Mostly I'm loving my new wok, used for the first time tonight, and my new big-ass fry-pan which is getting a TON of use. So I'm a happy cooker these days ;-)
So that's our relatively boring update for the first few days of the year. We've been laying low and keeping quiet. Until next time...
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year!!
Well, we had a good time last night ringing in the New Year. John played for a party downtown at the Westin, and since I managed to not be sick this year I was able to go. The lead singer from the band's daughter babysat for us, and it sounds like things went all right on the home front too.
It was quite nice to go out - everyone was dressed right up, which is always wonderful to do on New Years Eve. We had a nice dinner, and I really enjoyed finally getting to see the band perform live. They're better than I thought they'd be!! LOL We got home about 1:30, so not too late, but I'm still tired today. Must've been all that DANCING I did last night ... yup, had to be the dancing :-D
So we've had a slow day today - I've been pureeing veggies, both for Arlan and to try recipes from the Jessica Seinfeld recipe book Deceptively Delicious (gift from John for Xmas). I'm trying my first recipe out for supper tonight (which I see I'd better get at! )
So HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! I'll try to get some NYE pics on here in the next couple of days. Until next time...
It was quite nice to go out - everyone was dressed right up, which is always wonderful to do on New Years Eve. We had a nice dinner, and I really enjoyed finally getting to see the band perform live. They're better than I thought they'd be!! LOL We got home about 1:30, so not too late, but I'm still tired today. Must've been all that DANCING I did last night ... yup, had to be the dancing :-D
So we've had a slow day today - I've been pureeing veggies, both for Arlan and to try recipes from the Jessica Seinfeld recipe book Deceptively Delicious (gift from John for Xmas). I'm trying my first recipe out for supper tonight (which I see I'd better get at! )
So HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! I'll try to get some NYE pics on here in the next couple of days. Until next time...
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