When I think back, Landon rolled from back to tummy for the first time when he was almost 8 months ... Arlan's likely to be crawling by then. But Arlan doesn't jump anywhere near as much as Landon did. I think he's more of the curious one (he'll rip the stuff out of the cupboards for SURE), where Landon was more of the 'doer'. Landon crawled, or walked, or jump, for the sheer "Look what I can do!" factor. Arlan I think will be more of the "Look what I just figured out!" type.
And he's determined ... if he wants something, he WANTS it. Don't try to take it away, or keep it from him! Little stinker bug. And I can't believe he's wearing the same clothes Landon wore at a year! LOL He's got longer legs relative to Landon's that's for sure! Landon was always a size behind in pants it seemed, where with Arlan pants are too short on him altogether too quickly.
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