But he had a blast splashing through the puddles. There's no shortage of them on our street, that's for sure. And when he was done splashing he took off his boots and walked barefoot through the mud (our flower-bed), then smeared mud all over the front door and steps!! Gotta love it - I remember loving mud as a kid too!! And luckily I was at Wendy's for a few minutes to dad got to clean it all up (and even luckier Landon couldn't get the front door open to get in the house himself like he was trying to do!).
Yup - the snowy-slushy mess is our street - YUCK! We have to blast out of our driveway and back up about 2 houses to where they've snow-blowered the street a bit, then take a big run forward to get past the mess in front of our house!! Both John and I have been stuck once out there :-/ But it's supposed to be up in the mid-teens again tomorrow, so maybe some of it will finally disappear?
Yes, it was about +15 or something when Landon was out like this...gotta love chinooks in January!! Even Arlan was hanging out outside - without a coat (but still a blanket!).
Why were we all outside? John was painting the trim and doors for the basement -- he sprayed them in the garage, and was cleaning up.
and yes, that's my FILTHY car ... will have to get it washed one of these days obviously :-) Mucky, yucky mess!!
We did actually have the neighbours daughter to babysit for about an hour this afternoon. John went to wash his car, I went to buy groceries. Arlan had a snooze while she was here, so she just had to play with Landon. And John was back from his errands quickly, so he was basically just in the garage. But we did want to have Briana watch the boys as a bit of a 'practise run' ... hoping this works out and we can employ her much more frequently. It's nice as she's right next door, so if there's questions or problems, her mom is close too. And with John's band practises starting up again in Feb we'll be needing a sitter on Monday nights ... so she'll get about 7 weeks out of Feb / Mar -- some good income for her :-) So hopefully it all works out well -- it's a win-win situation (well, win-win-win as Landon already was asking to play with Briana this evening!! LOL)
Landon didn't want to nap today with all this fun outside. So we didn't make him. By about 4:30 he was so sleepy. I put on CARS (surprise surprise) and he laid on the couch. I said "Landon are you sleepy?" He said "Mom, I'm SO sleepy!" LOL Then he went to sleep on the couch and was konked out for about 45 minutes until we had to get him up to go drop John's car off. He wasn't impressed when we got him up - but he snapped out of it once we got him in the car. Then he was all talk "Mom, look at that BIG WHITE TRUCK! Do you think we'll see a semi truck pulling a TRAILER!???"
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