Then on his way upstairs to have a nap (sooooo sleepy after a big cry like that) he bonked his head on the handrail. MORE tears ... it's been a REALLY tough afternoon for Landon.
Here's a pic from last week ... Landon is at the stage where he organizes everything. His favourite activity is to line his trucks up ... here he managed to get them all balanced on the back of the couch. And as you can see, he was quite proud of this accomplishment. He also enjoys lining them up when he plays in the basement, or on the table, or wherever else.
His second favourite passtime is loading his trucks and loaders up with play-doh -- play-doh is dirt, or coal (if he's been watching Thomas), or whatever else is in his imagination that day. I LOVE play-doh (although I am already tired of sweeping up dried bits of it already ... but I am realizing I have about 6 more years of that ahead of me...)
You'll notice we haven't been talking about potty training -- that's because it's at a complete stand-still right now. ABSOLUTELY no action on that front for well over a month :-( But he did ask to wear gotchies yesterday, for a few minutes anyways. He's also not wanting to wear a diaper much ... preferring to run around naked (of course) and getting a diaper only to pee or poop. I ask every day if he wants to use the pot, but don't push him. Hopefully soon we'll see some potty action ... but I think if he doesn't train shortly, he will in the summer time. I'm hoping anyways...
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