Friday, March 06, 2009

Another Tooth!

Arlan popped through another tooth yesterday - finally!! The second one on the bottom in the front. He's still chew-chewing, so maybe the top ones are working their way in now too, but for now his bum (eczema) has cleared up a bit which is nice.
He's busy pulling himself all over the place now - so adorable. Hard to believe my littlest boy is almost crawling. Tonight at supper he started out by my chair, and made his way to the tv, to the piano, and then settled in to watch Landon rip around. Very sweet (and mobile!! my gosh!).

Landon's super pumped b/c Grandma and Grandpa are here - arrived this afternoon. He is WAY more excited about them being here than for his birthday. But he is even MORE excited to have (and eat) his Wall-E cake. I got it finished up just a bit ago - much better planning this year than last when I was up until 2 am decorating Thomas!!

So hopefully tomorrow goes well. Will post some pics when I next get a chance (likely Sunday, or later). Until then...

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