Sunday, March 01, 2009


I didn't realize how long it had been since I last posted !! OOPS!

I do think the title of this post should really be "don't bite the gland that feeds you!" Damned kid! Drew blood too, if you can believe it!!! I sure hope there's not much more of that in the future.

I do wonder if Arlan's getting some teeth - I keep checking and there's nothing in there. He has had eczema bum since ~Feb 10 or so, and if that's supposed to be related to teething, well where are the TEETH?? I have been putting Nutri-Rich Oil (stuff I sell) and Burt's Bees diaper creme on his bum and that is keeping it from going crazy - but it's still there. My Lunar Eclipse diaper creme went rancid -- gotta' love the natural stuff, there's $20 down the drain :-/ So I went with Burt's Bees this time, and so far so good.

Arlan is still on the verge of crawling. He is up on hands and knees, rocking back and forth. He can pick toys up and chew them from this position (a three-point stand I guess). But no forward movement while keeping his belly off the floor. Belly on the floor --> LOTS Of forward movement. He uses his hands to pull himself soldier-style, and is starting to use one foot to help propel himself, but that other leg stays straight and he just drags it along. Pretty cute though. His eyes are sparkling, he's so curious and SO wants to get all those fun-looking toys that Landon keeps taking away from him!! LOL Maybe by Landon's birthday he'll be crawling - steal the show from his older brother (that might be exactly what he's planning!! LOL

Other than that - Landon's busy as always. He's finally starting to go in the basement by himself ... only to get toys at this point, but it's getting better. Tonight he played down there on his own a bit before John went down - it was on the stairs, but better than nothing. Hopefully soon he'll be comfortable to play down there. And I'm so glad John bought a locking door knob for the furnace room for when that day comes LOL

I can hardly believe Landon will be three on Saturday!! We're having a Wall-E birthday party - he's so excited for a Wall-E cake!! I'm looking forward to it too - I'm starting to understand why people get excited for their kids birthdays, in spite of all the work they are!! Grandma and Grandpa will be up here too - I'm sure Landon will be bouncing off the walls when they arrive he's been asking to see them for weeks. Should be a very fun weekend (if a busy week preparing!!).

Well, that's that for now. I will try to post more frequently. This new 'job' has me busy :-) But I like that. And I'll get some pics up soon too - Arlan has finally learned what that jolly-jumper thing is for !! LOL until then...

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