Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another week's gone by!

Time really is flying! my oh my

John and the boys survived their weekend together. I don't think there was too much trouble ... the weather was great so they spent time outside. John and Landon built a snowman - a big one, not like the piddly little ones that I built with Landon!! And Landon was excited to tell me all about his weekend with dad :-D

Arlan did quite a few double-takes when he saw it was me nursing him instead of dad with the bottle too - pretty cute. I think my milk supply was down a bit when I got home, but now Arlan is actually nursing better than he has for several weeks, so maybe the break was good. I was worried he was weaning himself. The only feed that isn't me now is right before bed - he wasn't nursing at all :-( He only takes 3 or 4 ounces of milk, but that's 3 or 4 ounces more than he was getting from me. So we'll see...

And of course Arlan started all-out crawling the morning that I left!! Thankfully John got some video of the little stinker! lol So now he's motoring around the house, mostly pestering Landon as much as possible. He's getting pretty quick too.

Arlan is most proud when he gets himself up on his knees. He's able to pull himself up to his knees on the couch, the stool, and in his crib. What a proud little smiler when he gets that figured out. Then he just waits for me to come and get him! So we moved the crib mattress down to the lowest setting today, just to be safe(r).

Arlan took his first tumble down the stairs last night. The door to the basement got left open (!!) and away he went. Thankfully he's crawling only, so he mostly rolled down the stairs. There were no injuries that I can see (no bruises even), just scared the bejeesus out of him (not to mention out of mommy). So, I guess the first big fall is behind us :-/

Uncle Bob & Aunty Rosemary were visiting this weekend. It was a great visit, like always. They enjoyed the boys, especially Arlan as they hadn't seen him since October. Aunty R and I went shopping yesterday -- for some material for Aunty R ... somehow I bought a new winter coat and she came home empty-handed :-/ Go figure!! LOL But the coat is from Grandpa Leisle and mom & dad for my b'day (thanks guys!!), so I'm pleased.

That's the news from here. Will get some pics posted soon...Until then...

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