Monday, July 06, 2009

Arlan words...and a tooth

Arlan is starting to say a few words now. Grandpa taught him "birdie" at the farm as they watched the birds out the window. Arlan LOVES birds (any animals really) ... and points at them telling me "birhh!" all day long.
He also calls for da-da-da-da-da in the mornings, to come give him a 'soos'. And the other day John was getting Arlan changed and I could hear: John "Arlan, don't!" Arlan "i bite!" LOL So cute.
Arlan's also getting close to a word for "juice", and "up" (not bup like Landon still says!! lol). We'll see what other words come out in the upcoming days and weeks...

Also Arlan got his 6th tooth - came through Thursday morning. He'd been working at it all the time at the farm, so I'm glad it made it out finally.

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