Thursday, July 23, 2009

Landon's day camp

Well, every time I drop Landon off, he's telling me he doesn't want to go to daycamp, and he's cried 3 out of 4 mornings this week. But the girls tell me that as soon as I turn around and start walking away, Landon's just fine. Which I totally believe - it's just a show for mom!! A big improvement today - when I went to pick Landon up, he was so busy playing with a little friend that he just waved and kept playing. The first three days he gave me rib-splitting hugs as soon as he saw me. Only one more day left of camp this week ... we'll see how it goes. He swims tomorrow, which he loves, so it might be easier. Of course, Thomson and Issy will be here so he likely won't want to leave them. We'll have to see.

All this daycamping has been screwing poor Arlan up. I have to wake him up to go and pick up Landon - and that makes him grumpy throughout the afternoon. He doesn't get a long enough sleep in the morning, but doesn't want to lay down in the afternoon, and then just a short snooze means grumpy later in the day. :-/ So from that perspective I'll be glad when day camp is over!

Liz, Rob and the kidlets will be here late tonight (like 1 am). Looking forward to a few days of frenzied fun!! Don't know what all we'll do yet. Weather's supposed to be quite nice, Sat super-hot, so we can hit a spray pool or something I'm sure!

That's about it ... until next time...

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