Sunday, August 09, 2009


A quick post to appease Nikki LOL

We are home and settling back in after a busy few weeks. Liz, Rob and the kids were here the 24 through 28. Then John, I and the boys headed to Sask where Landon and Arlan spent August long with Grandma & Grandpa. John and I continued on to Kenora for a wedding, spending 1 night in Winnipeg on the way back to get the boys. Then to Clearwater Lake (at Kyle, SK) for 4 days of camping -- our first time out with the kids. We had Greg and Yvonne's trailer, which was good because we had more rain than sun :-( We got back home yesterday. Today was washing clothes and grocery-shopping.

I will upload pics and tell stories with them hopefully in the next few days. Landon has day camp all this week, so I might get some time. However Arlan seems to be liking only 1 nap a day these days, so I might not get much time *shrug* We'll see I guess.

Until next time...

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