Friday, August 14, 2009

Visiting with Thomson & Izzy

Aunty Liz, Uncle Rob, cousins Thomson and Isabel came to visit!! They arrived July 24, and thankfully we had pretty nice weather all weekend long.

Arlan absolutely LOVED all the action - he was in his glory, giggling and smiling and turning circles. I think he must've thought "I learned to walk JUST IN TIME!!" LOL

We spent some time hanging out -- watching a few cartoons.

But we also managed to get out and "play" a bit too. Everyone (but me) did some shopping and bought cowboy boots and hats (now I'm the odd-one out ... or is that the 'not-so-odd' one out???). We also headed downtown to Prince's Island Park to play at the splash pool, and to feed the birds (right beside the big sign that says "Don't feed the birds" which we all somehow failed to see). Landon had a blast in the water, and even Arlan enjoyed exploring a bit too, although he was a bit more timid.

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