Friday, August 14, 2009

More of Visits with cousins

We enjoyed a wonderful BBQ at Uncle Rob's brother-in-law's brothers house (got that?) on Saturday July 25. It was a beautiful day, and a wonderful time. Even Arlan got into the festitivies!!! LOL

I love these pics -- Arlan's modeling one of the hats that was purchased that day, and checking my messages for me (one of his favourite things to do!).

Landon had so much fun playing with Isabel and Isabel's "other cousin" Jake ... and this water rocket! They spent plenty of time shooting that thing off!! There were also MANY trucks for Landon to hoard, er I mean play with. He found an ambulance and wouldn't put it down in case someone else touched it. He would climb the play- structure and slide with it clutched in his hands!!

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