Friday, August 14, 2009

Finally, home

We were all glad to get home on Saturday I think. The boys were happy to see their own familiar beds, and I was VERY glad to sleep in mine. John had to go to Olds to play (which is why we were home Saturday), but the rest of us were in bed, sleeping, at 9 pm!! LOL
Landon had day camp all this week again. The first two days were pretty ugly, but these past 3 were just fine. He even left me to run to his instructor when I dropped him off yesterday morning. But he is glad to be done daycamp too. I don't know why exactly he disliked it so much - he just said he wanted to be at home, and I guess that's maybe all it is. We've liked the tired Landon though - he fell asleep on the couch on Tuesday night, at 7:30!!

Other than that, we've just been sniffling our way through the week. We all still have our summer colds :-( Arlan had one bad night while we were camping - with a croupy cough, had me worried. That's the night Landon had a sleep-over with Drew and Bailey as I wasn't sure if Arlan would sleep much, but he did after a short 'episode' at about 9:30 or so. If the boys aren't better on Monday, I'm taking them in. It'll be 3 weeks at that point, so it's time to check ears and chests I think.

I've started running more regularly over the past weeks. Liz got me going, as I ran twice with her when they were here. I've also started running once a week with the mom of one of Landon's friends from swim class. I might even work myself up to a 10K this fall ... hopefully either Thanksgiving weekend, or the Hallowe'en Howl in late October.

So that's the scoop from here. Until next time...

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