Monday, July 06, 2009

Landon FUN

Landon actually did some 'crafts' with mommy today!! I can hardly believe it ... first time he spent any amount of time doing anything like this with me (outside of painting and play-doh I guess). He's been wanting to make a caterpillar like in the story Miss Bindergarten celebrates the 100th day of Kindergarten. It's a rainy day today, so we got it done. Landon cut out all the stripes and glued them on, plus the grass (the block on the bottom right ... it actually sticks up a bit from the paper), and glued all the other pieces on. So we hung it up in his room, and he's a little bit proud (well, so is mommy!).

Uncle Neville and Aunt Mary were here Sat night for a visit. Aunt Mary has a conference in Banff all week, then they're back here Thursday until Sunday again. It was a good visit - Landon still has a sweet spot for Uncle Neville, that's for sure. And after taking his time to check them both our thoroughly, Arlan settled right in to enjoying their company too. I'm really looking forward to Friday - Aunt Mary is going to babysit the boys while Uncle Neville, John and I golf :-D

This pic is from Landon having so much fun in the neighbours blow-up waterslide. I wasn't there that day, John took the boys over. I guess Landon simply climbed up, slid down, climbed up, slid down ... all afternoon. He had a blast!

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