Monday, August 18, 2008

Aug 15 Trip to the Zoo

On Friday, Landon, Arlan, Aunty Allison and I went to the zoo. It was the one thing Allison wanted to see on her trip to Calgary, and I'm glad we were able to go on a nice day that wasn't a weekend!!
Landon has finally been impacted by the zoo -- it's what he's been talking about since we went on Friday!! Even while driving around Banff he was asking to go see rhinos and hippos and giraffes (pronounced giraffeeeees). He was showing off his rock-climbing skills here, amazing considering how hot it was that day and this is on the way out. You can't really see, but his cheeks were flaming RED. He was a bit of a slow-poke going through the zoo, we were there for several hours and only saw about half of it. Firstly he wanted to see the tigers, so we continually coaxed him towards the tigers, then it was the giraffes we bribed him with. :-/ All along the way he was constantly eating eating eating, which is likely why it took him so long to walk anywhere!! But we got the see the baby elephant and the baby gorilla and the baby giraffe, plus the red pandas were out playing, so we did get to see the cutest things at the zoo (in my opinion).
And of course, here's a picture of Arlan taking it all in :-/ Man that kid can sleep!! LOVE IT!

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