Saturday, August 09, 2008

Pics of Arlan...

Here's our little monkey. He's getting big, and is spending more of his time awake during the day, which is nice. He is liking this bouncy chair, and is starting to kick his legs a bit while in it. His favourite place to sleep is the bassinet, which is GREAT, and the car seat is #2, which is also great. This pic is Arlan having a snooze outside yesterday morning. I also tried to get a couple shots of his smiles ... they didn't capture quite as well as I would've liked, but here they are. And of course, with his big brother who is helping him keep his soosie in his mouth :-) Landon is quite the helper these days, which is wonderful for mommy (as long as mommy keeps a VERY close eye...heh heh).

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