Landon has been having such a busy summer, but now our trail of company has come to an end and we are getting back to 'normal' - whatever that is!! LOL
So here are some pics of the munchkin just doing 'stuff'.
Lately, he's been having such fun playing with soap in the bathroom. We have the CLEANEST SINK (and toilet seat, and faucet...). He has just learned how to wash his hands by himself, but when he's been in there for awhile, with no water running, we know what we'll find. He even has soap smeared on his face here ... :-/
Landon loves Thomas, and has the bedding to prove it. Can you find Landon in this picture??? This is what I walked into his room to find one morning ... just an arm and two feet!!
Landon loves to help me as much as possible too -- although his definition of help may be slightly different than mine :-/ He had loads of fun mopping the other day for me ... he didn't do too badly, as long as he remembered to have me help him wring the mop out before slopping half the water onto the floor!!

We went to a birthday party in Olds for the lead singer of John's band on Saturday. While there, Landon got to go on a horse-drawn wagon ride, which he enjoyed. He also learned how to jump on a trampoline -- he jumped on that thing for probably 45 minutes, non-stop!!! I finally had to drag him off of there to go and watch John play (which was the entire reason for us going out there to begin with)!! He had tons of fun running around with the kids. Thankfully Aunty Yvonne and Uncle Greg were there too, to help me out so much by following Landon around as he was having fun!! Arlan was a good baby while we were there, snoozing, eating, showing off his lungs when mommy was watching Landon jump on the trampoline and he woke up hungry :-/
And the last picture is Landon with his favourite friend of the summer, Murphy. Our neighbours were dog-sitting for the first 2 weeks of August, and Landon fell in love with Murphy. What a beautiful dog! Every time Wendy or Trevor took Murphy for a walk, Landon would somehow hear that gate open and would go running outside "Murphy! Murphy! Wanna see Murphy!".
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